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The International Cricket Council (ICC) announced on Thursday that it has imposed a five-year ineligibility period from all cricket on West Indian player Devon Thomas.

The 34-year-old, who represented the West Indies in one Test, 21 ODIs and 12 T20Is, admitted breaching seven counts of Sri Lanka Cricket's (SLC), Emirates Cricket's anti-corruption codes Board (ECB) and the Caribbean Premier League (CPL).

Thomas was provisionally suspended for corruption on May 23, 2023 when he was booked on the following seven charges:

Article 2.1.1 of the SLC Code– enter into or be a party to any agreement to fix or attempt to fix, rig or improperly influence the result, progress, conduct or other aspects of matches in the Lanka Premier League 2021.

Article 2.4.4 of the SLC Code not disclose to the designated Anti-Corruption Officer, without unnecessary delay, any details of any approach or invitations received to engage in corrupt conduct in the Lanka Premier League 2021.

Article 2.4.6 of the SLC Code– not or refuse, without compelling justification, to cooperate in the investigation of the officials designated for the fight against corruption by not providing accurately and completely any information and/or documentation requested by the official designated for the fight against corruption corruption.

Article 2.4.7 of the SLC Code obstruct or delay the investigation of designated anti-corruption officials into corrupt conduct, including (without limitation) concealing, falsifying or destroying any documents or other information which may be relevant to such investigation and/or which may constitute evidence or which may lead to the discovery of evidence of corrupt conduct.

Article 2.4.4 of the ECB Code not disclose to the designated anti-corruption official, without unnecessary delay, any details of any approach or invitations received to engage in corrupt conduct during the 2021 Abu Dhabi T10.

Article 2.4.4 of the CPL Code not disclose to the designated anti-corruption officer, without unnecessary delay, any details of any approach or invitations received to engage in corrupt conduct in relation to the CPL 2021.

Article 2.4.2 of the CPL Code not disclose to the designated anti-corruption officer (without unnecessary delay) the receipt of any gift, payment, hospitality or advantage (a) which he knew or should have known was made with the aim of causing corruption breach of the CPL Code, or (b) could have brought the player or the game of cricket into disrepute.

The period of ineligibility, as the ICC called it in its statement on Thursday, is backdated to the date he was provisionally suspended last May.

The ICC also decided that the last 18 months of the ineligibility period would be suspended.

Having played both international and professional cricket at domestic/franchise level, Devon has attended numerous anti-corruption education sessions. He therefore knew what his obligations were under anti-corruption codes, but failed to meet those obligations in three different franchise leagues, Alex Marshall, general manager of the ICC integrity unit, said in the communicated.

This ban is relevant and should send a strong message to players and corruptors: attempts to corrupt our sport will be repressed firmly, he added.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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