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Ferris Bueller's Day Off actor to head to Milwaukee

Ferris Bueller's Day Off actor to head to Milwaukee


Alan Ruck on Cameron Fry: “He decides to cheer up his gloomy friend. »

Actor Alan Ruck's career, even at 67, is still going strong. He just finished wrapping up the Emmy Award-winning streaming sensation, Succession. He's in a new movie (The Burial) with Tommy Lee Jones and Jamie Fox, but his visit to Milwaukee involves some of his oldest and most valuable works. His name was Cameron Frye.

“Fry… Frye…”

Ruck played Ferris Bueller's melancholic friend in the 1986 classic, Ferris Bueller's day off. The Pabst Theater will screen the film and then feature Ruck for a moderated conversation about the film and his career. “I just knew it was a good role in a movie and that I was going to star with my friend,” Ruck told WTMJ. “Broderick and I were on Broadway together right before this movie, so we were already friends. It seemed like a natural extension.

Ruck calls the plot a love story, “…in a way. Here's the guy (Ferris). He holds the world on a rope. He can do whatever he wants. He has this beautiful girlfriend (Sloane Peterson). He can spend this day of dropping out of school any way he wants, and what does he decide to do? He decides to cheer up his gloomy friend.

Ruck speaks warmly of the joy he experienced while making the film. “I had the most fun pretending to be Mr. Peterson,” and director John Hughes. “I think that's something John did very well: he honored the kids' feelings, their hopes and their dreams,” Ruck recalled. “You know, you go through things when you're 16, 17, 18, you're heartbroken or whatever, people around you try to comfort you and say things like, 'You know, in ten years, twenty years, you I won't even remember It might be true, but at the moment, we're almost sure we're dying.

Cameron said in the film that he was dying, prompting Ferris' response: “You're not dying.” You just can't find anything good to do.

Ruck's character's frustration boils over soon after, as he debates whether or not he should hook up with his friend. A single camera for the scene where Cameron struggles with his emotions in his “piece of shit” car. “John just said, you know, you need to get in the car and get out. Get in the car and get out of the car,” Ruck said, describing his direction from Hughes. “He does this to you all the time. He makes you do things you don't want to do. So let's see that you really show some unwavering, 'not this time man' determination and then completely give in.

Rumors emerge from time to time regarding a sequel to the film. Ruck says he's not aware of any real effort to make one, but if there was, “My joke was always that they should wait until Broderick and I were deep into our 60s.” Ferris should be in a nursing home and Cameron should come and take him out for the day and show him one last crazy time. One last crazy day in the city. And then at the end of the film, Cameron dies. This is what I think we should do.

WTMJ's Vince Vitrano will serve as moderator for Alan's talk Sunday evening at Pabst. Ticket information:




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