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Defense Department technology hubs see lower migration rates and higher value deals

Defense Department technology hubs see lower migration rates and higher value deals


According to its annual report, the Defense Innovation Unit transitioned 10 projects from commercial prototype to military capability in fiscal year 2023, down from 17 the previous year, led by drone and autonomous technology projects.

The Pentagon's technology hub said in a May 2 report that smaller migration numbers do not reduce the impact. In fact, one of his efforts, a small unmanned underwater vehicle, led to a contract worth up to $350 million. This is the largest award won by DIU since its inception in 2015.

According to the organization, the number of migrations per fiscal year depends on how long it takes to prototype the solution, what the results of the prototyping activities are, whether the Department of Defense and U.S. government partners are ready to purchase the solution, The decision will depend on several factors, including whether the funds are available. .

In addition to underwater drones, projects transitioned last year include three other autonomy-related efforts. Two of those projects were for small drones certified by DIU's Blue UAS program and purchased by the U.S. military. The other is an effort known as Cooperative Tactical Autonomy for Networked Aircraft, a partnership with the Air Force focused on providing algorithms that can control large numbers of airborne weapons and sensors.

DIU also transitioned two cyber projects focused on threat surveillance and two aimed at improving aviation logistics and defense with AI and machine learning. The last space-oriented effort provided advanced tactical communications support to U.S. Special Operations Command.

DIU was founded to push this type of technology into service, and over the past nine years we have demonstrated a proven process for doing so. The organization is now preparing to play a larger role in helping the military deploy more of these capabilities.

In a letter introducing the report, Beck wrote that as DIU transitions into 2024, it focuses not only on the number of projects it will transition, but also on the impact those projects will have on the department's most pressing strategic needs. I wrote that I was guessing.

We are at a tipping point, he said. The Department of Defense (DOD), Congress, interagency, and commercial sectors all recognize that the time is now to accelerate the application of commercial technologies that have strategic impact.

To position itself for its growing role, the organization has made several organizational changes to enhance engagement with users and purchasers across the Department of Defense. We built a network of embedded personnel that spanned the entire warfighter command. It also established a point of contact within the military services innovation organization known as the Department of Defense Innovation Community of Entities (DICE).

By simultaneously leading a consortium of representatives from DICE, allies, and academia, DIU can cull the innovation landscape for ready-to-use technology solutions, the agency said.

Given the organization's growing influence, DIU Director Doug Beck now reports directly to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. He also serves as vice chair of the Innovation Steering Group, which oversees the Department of Defense's efforts to quickly bring technology to market to address high-need operational problems.

Beck also chairs a separate defense innovation task force, and DIU has made significant contributions to Replicator, an effort to field thousands of drones over two years and develop processes to rapidly deliver capabilities to military users. playing a role.

The DIU is increasing its presence within the Department of Defense, increasing its support to the organization, and deepening its partnerships with other countries. In 2023, it signed agreements with India, Singapore, Japan, Ukraine, as well as NATO and AUKUS partners.

Courtney Albon is a space and emerging technology reporter for C4ISRNET. She has been covering the U.S. military since 2012 with a focus on the Air Force and Space Force. She reported on some of the Department of Defense's most important acquisition, budget, and policy challenges.




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