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SAMMY HAGAR will receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next week

SAMMY HAGAR will receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next week
SAMMY HAGAR will receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next week


The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce will pay tribute to the rocker Sammy Hagar with the 2,779th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Tuesday, April 30 at 11:30 a.m. PT at 6212 Hollywood Boulevard. Agar will receive its star in the Recording category. The speakers join the master of ceremonies Guy Fiéri will be John Mayer And Tom Consolo, Agaris the long-time manager.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce administers the legendary Hollywood Walk of Fame for the city of Los Angeles and has proudly hosted the world's iconic star ceremonies for decades. Millions of people from here and around the world have visited this cultural monument since 1960.

“The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to honor the rock legend Sammy Hagar for his contributions to the world of rock and roll music,” said Ana Martinezproducer of Hollywood Walk of Fame. “From his humble beginnings in Fontana, California, to his walks in the Hollywood Walk of Fame as a young boy he has truly come a long way. »

Over the past five decades, Sammy Hagar is one of rock's most dynamic and prolific artists, amassing 25 platinum albums and sales exceeding 50 million worldwide. His decades-long career spanned his entry into the industry with seminal hard rock band MONTROSE and his multi-platinum solo career at Sammy's ride as leader of VAN HALEN, CHICKEN FOOTand now his latest supergroup, THE CIRCLE. Along the way, he set the tone for some of the greatest rock anthems ever written, including “I can't drive 55”, “Right away” And “Why it can’t be love”and has earned the greatest respect in the music industry thanks to Grammy Awards and integration into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Sammy is also a dedicated philanthropist, #1 New York Times bestselling author, and successful entrepreneur.

Since launching its flagship product, Cabo Wabo Cantina, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, in 1990, Sammy has turned his lifelong passion for great food, music and spirits into a thriving lifestyle brand of successful restaurants, bars, spirits and retailers. Pioneer of the spirits industry, Agar made history with its creation and eventual sale of Cabo Wabo Tequila. Its award-winning spirits portfolio now includes Sammy's Beach Bar Rum, a partnership with Richard SpringfieldSanto Spirits, a partnership with Guy FiériSammy's Beach Bar Cocktails and Red Rocker Brewing Co.

For decades, its annual birthday party has been one of the most legendary jam sessions of the year where rock stars can perform and highly coveted events for music fans to attend. There are now Cabo Wabo cantinas in Las Vegas and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, as well as four Sammy's Beach Bar and Grill restaurants, located at major airports in Maui, Honolulu, Cleveland and Las Vegas. In spring 2023, Sammy launched the Cabo Wabo Beach Club in Huntington Beach, California. Sammy donates proceeds from Sammy's Beach Bar and Grill and Cabo Wabo Beach Club to local charities. On May 17, Sammy's Island launches at Palms Casino Resort, a tropical poolside getaway featuring delicious dishes and refreshing cocktails made with Agarsignature spirits and live concerts. The inauguration of Stage Red, a performance hall renamed in his honor, will take place on June 15. The theater, at AgarThe hometown of Fontana, will serve as a cornerstone of city leaders' plans to create regional appeal in downtown Fontana, California.

Never one to brake, Sammy has extended its successes to publishing, television, radio and beyond. His three books include “Sammy Hagar's Cocktails: 85 Personal Favorites from the Red Rocker”, “Are we having fun yet?” And “Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock”his n°1 New York Times successful memoir. On television, fans saw him in season 11 of “The voice”where he was a mentor to Team Adam, and for five seasons of the hit series “Rock & roll road trip with Sammy Hagar”. He is also the host of “Sammy Hagar's Top Rock Countdown”a weekly radio show broadcast on more than 90 U.S. stations.

His first album with THE CIRCLE, “The Space Between”entered at No. 4 on the US Billboard 200 chart on May 10, 2019 and debuted at No. 1 on four Billboard graphics. Their second album, “Crazy times”dropped in September 2022 and debuted at #6 on BillboardThe Top Album presents its second top 10. The album was produced eight times Grammy Awards-winning producer Dave Cobb and the band's tour in support of the album received universal praise from fans and critics.

This summer, Agar and longtime bandmates Michel Antoine And Jason Bonham I will join forces with the guitar Joe Satriani for the much awaited “The best of all worlds” tour.

“It's crazy to think that it will be 20 years since Mikey and I played a lot of these songs with VAN HALEN 04' 'The best of both worlds' tour,” said Agar. “With Joe On board we can delve deeper into those years, which will be really cool for the fans and for us. »

Collectively, Anthony, Satriani And Bonham played together in almost every phase of Agarcareer of, including VAN HALEN, CHICKEN FOOT And THE CIRCLEso fans can expect a setlist that draws inspiration from some of the biggest rock anthems of the last four decades, including “Finish what you start”, “5150”, “Your love drives me crazy”, “The best of both worlds”, “Sexy little thing”, “A way to rock”, “Right away”, “The eagles fly” and more.

In 2021, Sammy was the first person to receive honorary ambassador accreditation from Los Cabos, Mexico, for his contributions to the development and promotion of Los Cabos and the economic growth of Mexico.

SammyHis humble beginnings instilled an unstoppable work ethic that fueled his rise to the top as a musician and entrepreneur and continues to fuel his dedication as a philanthropist. “That’s where all my motivation comes from” Sammy explain. “I was willing to work hard to never be poor again. Even now I can still go to that place and remember that feeling, but now it drives me to want to give back and show kids that if you work hard , there will be an open door. Sammy and his wife Kari created the Hagar Family Foundation in 2008 and has personally donated more than $4 million to local communities, including food banks in every city he has performed in for more than a decade. In 2014 he also founded “Acoustics-4-A-Cure”, an annual Bay Area concert to benefit the pediatric cancer program at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, featuring performances by some of the biggest names in music. In recent years he has also become an in-demand speaker alongside new friends like Warren Buffettbut his favorite role remains that of an excellent husband, father and grandfather.

Photo credit: Lea Steiger




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