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Jude Bellingham makes a football awards ceremony look rather Hollywood

Jude Bellingham makes a football awards ceremony look rather Hollywood


Well, let's be honest: we haven't always kept an eye on the Laureus World Sports Awards red carpet. But it's our mistake. Because last night, Real Madrid's Jude Bellingham showed up in one of the toughest black-tie fits of the year.

Are we becoming the next football style messiah? Very probably. Although Bellingham was a rising star long before the 2022 World Cup (and he's become a bit of a social media idol in the process), it was during Pharrell's first men's fashion show for Louis Vuitton in Paris that he has become a real Fashion Guy. And, for last night's event, he wisely turned to the same stylist, Sunny Kaur, for a cut that he thought was worthy of the World Breakthrough of the Year Award (which he won, and deservedly ).

Jude Bellingham

Stéphane Cardinale – Corbis/Getty Images

Kaur was kind enough to document the styling process on TikTok, where she's already racked up over 3 million views and counting. As it turns out, the two considered a few jackets before finally settling on a double-breasted, peak-lapel blazer. For accessories, they opted for an intricate brooch chain with pearls. Which, oddly enough, has become a calling card for Hollywood fashion types: Cillian Murphy, Ncuti Gatwa and Barry Keoghan were just three guys to pin at the Oscars, and it's proof of how men are become with the jewelry.

The couple decided to have a little more fun and finished it off with flared pants. However, the shirt is also a bit of a show-off: a crisp white piece with black stitching along the button placket, embellished cuffs and a casual take on a continental tie.

Even though Jude Bellingham's menswear odyssey is still in its early stages, we're pretty excited about the idea of ​​another young footballer who isn't afraid to take a risk when it comes to style (consider Dominic Calvert-Lewin and Hctor Bellern before him). And if last night's outfit is any indicator of the next generation of football style, we might start watching sports awards shows regularly.




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