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Sanjay Leela Bhansali Heeramandi Mumbai Premiere: Salman Khan, Alia Bhatt, Ananya Panday, Rakul Preet Singh and More Bollywood Celebrities Arrive in Style

Sanjay Leela Bhansali Heeramandi Mumbai Premiere: Salman Khan, Alia Bhatt, Ananya Panday, Rakul Preet Singh and More Bollywood Celebrities Arrive in Style


Sanjay Leela Bhansali Heeramandi Mumbai Premiere: Salman Khan, Alia Bhatt, Ananya Panday, Rakul Preet Singh and More Bollywood Celebrities Arrive in Style

Premiere of Heeramandi: The grand red carpet premiere of Sanjay Leela Bhansalis' much-awaited Netflix web series Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar is currently underway. This star-studded affair saw a wide range of talent, with celebrities such as Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Manisha Koirala, , Richa Chadha and many others graced the event in traditional attire. To add to the charm, Tamil actor Siddharth stood alongside his fiance Aditi Rao Hydariside, showing unwavering support. The evening also witnessed the enchanting presence of veteran actress Deepti Naval in a stunning white saree. Among the participants were Alia Bhatt, Ananya BlacksmithShruti Haasan and more.

Set against the backdrop of India's freedom struggle in the 1940s, Heeramandi promises to unfold an epic tapestry of love, power, revenge and the quest for freedom. Let's take a look at the celebrities who graced the red carpet at the Heeramandis premiere.

Celebrities at Constitution of the red carpet

Ananya Blacksmith

Ananya Blacksmith
Ananya Blacksmith

Bollywood's sweetheart Ananya Panday graced the event in an all-blue traditional outfit.

Anupam Kher

Anupam Kher
Anupam Kher

Veteran actor Anupam Kher was seen having fun with the paps as he posed for the cameras.

Harshvardhan Rane

Harshvardhan Rane
Harshvardhan Rane

Dange star Harshvardhan Rane presented gifts at the event.

Shekhar Suman with his son Adhyayan and his wife Alka

Shekhar Adhyayan and Alka Suman
Shekhar, Adhyayan and Alka Suman

The father-son duo, also stars of the series, made a statement on the red carpet.

Sonakshi Sinha

Sonakshi Sinha
Sonakshi Sinha

The web series' lead actress Sonakshi Sinha looked simply beautiful in her traditional black gold saree.

Aditi Rao Hydari with her fiancée Siddharth

Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth
Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth

Aditi Rao Hydari, one of the lead actresses of the show, was accompanied to the premiere with her fiancée Siddharth.

Shruti Haasan

Shruti Haasan
Shruti Haasan

Shweta Tripathi

Shweta Tripathi
Shweta Tripathi

Ali Fazal

Ali Fazal
Ali Fazal

Alia Bhatt with her mother Soni Razdan and mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor

Alia Bhatt with her mother and mother-in-law
Alia Bhatt with her mother and mother-in-law

Bhansali's latest heroine and one of the most loved women of Bollywood, Alia Bhatt arrives at the premiere with her mother and mother-in-law. this surely begs the question of where is Ranbir Kapoor?

Karan Johar

Karan Johar
Karan Johar

Ace Bollywood producer and director Karan Johar flaunted his unmatched fashion sense on the red carpet.

Mrunal Thakur

Mrunal Thakur
Mrunal Thakur

Vijay Verma

Vijay Verma
Vijay Verma

Bhumi Pednekar

Bhumi Pednekar
Bhumi Pednekar

Iulia Vantur

Iulia Vantur
Iulia Vantur

Salman Khan

Salman Khan
Salman Khan

The Bhai of Bollywood arrived at the premiere of Heeramandi amid recent threats and shootings outside his home in Bandra.




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