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Attacker Dave Chappelle sues Hollywood Bowl security

Attacker Dave Chappelle sues Hollywood Bowl security


Attacker Dave Chappelle sues Hollywood Bowl security for battery negligence

Dave Chappelle Shannon Finney/Getty Images

Dave ChappelleThe comedian's former attacker is now suing the Hollywood Bowl for allowing the comedian's team to harm him.

Isaiah Leethe man who confronted Chappelle on stage at the Hollywood Bowl in 2022 is suing the venue — and its security team — for letting the attack happen in the first place, according to legal documents obtained by We weeky, Chappelle is not named as a defendant in the civil suit, which was filed on Friday, May 3, a year after the incident.

Lee, 25, tackled Chappelle to the floor at the Hollywood Bowl in December 2022 during the “Netflix Is a Joke” festival on May 3, 2022, while Chappelle introduced another artist.

The lawsuit alleges that the security team hired for the venue, along with Chappelle's entourage, beat and spat on Lee after the attack and deliberately dislocated his shoulder. According to the lawsuit, the Hollywood Bowl and its security had a responsibility to “exercise due diligence” in the face of a violent situation. The amount Lee is suing for will be determined at trial.

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Standing behind him. After Dave Chappelle was attacked by an audience member while performing on stage at the Hollywood Bowl, many of his fellow comedians shared their thoughts on what the incident means for performers moving forward. “Watching what happened to Dave last night confirmed my fear. [of being assaulted]”, declared Howie Mandel during […]

“Lee did not consent to being beaten and/or spit on, and a reasonable person in plaintiff's position would have been offended by being beaten and spit on,” the lawsuit states. The filing also claimed that Lee, who identifies as bisexual, attacked Chappelle “in an act of protest” against offensive jokes the comedian made throughout the night.

Attacker Dave Chappelle sues Hollywood Bowl security for battery negligence

Isaiah Lee Body cameras+ /TMX/Mega

At the time of his arrest, Lee had on him a replica weapon capable of ejecting a knife blade. In court documents, he said the knife fell out of his pocket during the beating and that he never planned to use it on the comedian.

“I identify as bisexual…and I wanted him to know what he said was triggering,” Lee said. The New York Post following his arrest in May 2022. “I wanted him to know that next time he should first consider releasing his material to people it might affect. »

We confirmed at the time of the attack that Lee was arrested by the LAPD and held on $30,000 bail. NBCLos Angeles also reported that he was transported to a local hospital and treated for “superficial injuries.” In his New York Post During the interview, Lee claimed that the security personnel who detained him gave him two black eyes and broke his arm. “They spat on me and twisted me like it was on purpose,” he said.

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A year later, Lee now claims in his lawsuit that the venue knew Chappelle made offensive jokes and should have prepared for any incident caused by those jokes. Instead, the Hollywood Bowl “has taken no steps to prevent or mitigate the potential harm caused by such offensive content.”

Court documents say Lee suffered “loss of mobility” and “life-changing” injuries following the incident, as well as “anxiety, fear, nervousness, 'anxiety, grief, shock, humiliation, indignity' and 'embarrassment'.




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