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The best Bollywood movies you can watch with your mom for Mother's Day!

The best Bollywood movies you can watch with your mom for Mother's Day!


It's that time of year when you remember and appreciate the sacrifice and hard work your mother does for you. Since it's the weekend, there's no excuse not to spend time with your mom. Motherhood is perhaps the most paradoxical and astonishing role a woman can play in her life. On one hand, you have importance and honor when you hold a child, whether biological or adopted, while on the other hand, children and family hold their mothers for acquired almost every day. After becoming a mother, the pressure of being a good mother makes it difficult to no longer be able to do the things you used to do as a regular person. So let's not forget to express how deeply we love our mothers and make them feel very special on this special day.

As Mother's Day is around the corner, here is a list of Bollywood movies that you can watch with her, showing the endless love they have for their children:

1. Paa

Mother's Day films

Paa is a film for all single mothers who juggle the difficulty of working and taking care of their home and children. These single moms make it look effortless as they go through hell and back. The film stars Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan and Vidya Balan. What makes this Bollywood film even more special is the role reversal of Amitabh Bachchan being Abhishek Bachchan's son. Absolutely worth watching with your mom.

2. Secret Superstar

Mother's Day Movies

Secret Superstar is a film presenting the story of a girl who, with the support of her mother, strives to excel in the field she has chosen for herself. Starring Zaira Wasim, Meher Vij and Aamir Khan, it is about the unconditional love and sacrifice of a mother that brings the family together.

3. The sky is pink

Mother's Day Movies

The Sky is Pink is based on a couple's love story through the lens of their courageous teenage daughter, who is diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. Starring Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim, the film depicts their journey through life providing their daughter with full support to fight the disease.

4. English Vinglish

Mother's Day Movies

Directed by Gauri Shinde, the comedy-drama depicts a quiet, mild-mannered housewife who endures small slights every day from her highly educated husband and daughter due to her inability to speak and understand English , which often makes her feel unwanted and illiterate. . The star cast of the film includes Sridevi, Adil Hussain and Mehdi Nebbou. It is a beautiful representation of the sacrifice and hard work a mother puts in to raise not only her children but her entire family without getting any credit.

5. Mimi

Mother's Day Movies

Mimi is a perfect comedy-drama with the right balance of fun and emotions. It revolves around the story of a surrogate mother who gets attached to the child and raises him as her own. Starring Kriti Sanon and Pankaj Tripathi, the film shows the unbreakable mother-child relationship that will keep you hooked to the screen.

6. Helicopter

Mother's Day Movies

Helicopter Eela tells the story of a worried mother who devotes her entire life to focusing on her son, despite being extremely talented. The film addresses topics such as womanhood and parenting and how parents may struggle to abandon their children once they reach adulthood. Directed by Pradeep Sarkar, the film stars Kajol, Neha Dhupia and Riddhi sen. The film is essentially dedicated to mothers and their dreams. It tells the story of thousands of mothers who gave up their dreams and ambitions in order to best feed their children and families.

7. Above the sky

Mother's Day Movies

Directed by Aamir Khan, Taare Zameen Par is a film that tells the story of an artistically gifted eight-year-old boy named Ishaan Awasthi, whose poor academic performance leads to him being sent to a boarding school by his parents. Starring Aamir Khan, Darsheel Safary and Tisca Chopra in the lead roles, the film explores the patience one needs to have with children to understand their problems and help them cope.

8. Ms Chatterjee v Norway

Mother's Day Movies

God couldn't be everywhere so he created mothers. Ms Chatterjee v Norway is a perfect reflection of this. Starring Rani Mukerji in the lead, the film is directed by Ashima Chibber. The film revolves around a mother who immigrated to Norway. Due to strict regulations related to education in the country, she is separated from her children, leading her to commit several crimes to save and stay with her children. A movie that will make you cry, it will increase the love and respect you have for your mother.

9. Bank

Mother's Day films

A film inspired by the life of a national-level Kabbadi player, Panga follows her success, struggle and desire to overcome stereotypes. This shows the importance of love and family support for success in life. The film is directed by Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari and stars Kangana Ranaut, Jassie Gill and Richa Chadha in key roles. It focuses on how a former kabaddi player is influenced by her child to become her own person again. She's getting back into sports and finding herself in the process.

10. Zero Battery Silence

Mother's Day Movies

Nil Battey Sannata is a family drama that follows the story of a single mother who gains an education with her daughter as they pass out from school together. It depicts a mother's drive to achieve her dreams, dreams she gave up when she took on the responsibility of nurturing her life. The film stars Swara Bhaskar, Riya Shukla and Ratna Pathak Shah in prominent roles.

Spending time with your mom is the best gift you can give her. Shower her with love and respect every day and don't forget to remember the sacrifices she made for you. One day is not enough to celebrate the importance that a mother has in the life of her child. So, this Mother's Day, let's celebrate the very being that a mother is and plan something amazing for her. Even if you don't plan on giving her something she loves or a day full of fun activities, just put on your pajamas, get your blankets ready, and make a pot of hot popcorn because the movie list mentioned above will strengthen the unbreakable bond. between a mother and her child. These films are not only entertaining to watch but also redefine the true societal definition of a mother.




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