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Sarah Paulson Reveals the Actor Who Sent Her 6 Pages of Notes About a Broadway Show

Sarah Paulson Reveals the Actor Who Sent Her 6 Pages of Notes About a Broadway Show


Sarah Paulson remembers a time she received unsolicited advice that she won't soon forget.

On the Less intelligent in the May 13 episode of the podcast, the actress, who currently stars in Appropriate on Broadway, told a story about a time when she was in another play and received “six pages” of notes from an actress who had played her role in a previous production.

“I did a play called Talley's madness at the roundabout, and the actress and I are going to say this, and I'm not going to ask you to stop it, because I don't care, this actress came to the play. Her name is Trish Hawkins. Hi Trish! Hey, Trisha!'” said Paulson, 49. “Trish Hawkins came to this room, am I going to get sued? I don't care, because I think it's outrageous. »

The Tony Award nominee said her mother took Hawkins, 78, to see Talley's madnessas they were “kind of a writing group together”, and her mother thought it would be a good idea.

When Paulson spoke with Hawkins, “She looked me up and down, then she said, 'Your dress is yellow. Mine was pink.' And I thought, “What?” she said.

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Sarah Paulson and Danny Burstein in Talley's madness in New York on March 5, 2013.

Robin Marchant/Getty

But that wasn't the end of the criticism, according to Paulson.

“Two days later I received an email with six pages of notes and communication about what she had done when she performed the play, what she had recommended I do,” declared on American horror story the star told hosts Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and Will Arnett on the podcast.

“It was outrageous. It was truly outrageous,” Paulson continued. “Trish Hawkins, I haven’t forgotten him and I hope I never see you.”

When asked if she had kept the letter, Paulson confirmed that she had, but laughingly joked about her mother's initiative to meet Hawkins at the play: “I just put back in the file things that my mother did.”

Hawkins could not immediately be reached for comment by PEOPLE.

Sarah Paulson in Appropriate in New York on March 25, 2024.

Bruce Glikas/Getty

Paulson earned his first Tony nomination for his role in Appropriate last month, for best performance by a leading actress in a play.

Appropriate tells the story of a trio of brothers and sisters (Pauslon, Corey Stoll and Michael Esper) who return to their father's home in Arkansas after his death to tend to his estate. But when mysterious objects are discovered among the clutter, buried resentments and long-hidden secrets resurface as the family is forced to confront the ghosts of their past.

After premiering at the Hayes Theater in December 2023 to rave reviews and sold-out theaters, the family drama draws stark comparisons to Tony-winning plays like August: Osage County And Humans Appropriate transferred to the Belasco Theater at the end of March for an additional 13 weeks. The Second Stage Theater production will play through June 23.

Tickets for Appropriate are available on the show's website website.




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