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Wednesday Jenna Ortega Netflix: Wednesday actress Jenna Ortega replaced in the Netflix show. Here is what happened

Wednesday Jenna Ortega Netflix: Wednesday actress Jenna Ortega replaced in the Netflix show.  Here is what happened
Wednesday Jenna Ortega Netflix: Wednesday actress Jenna Ortega replaced in the Netflix show.  Here is what happened


Jenna Ortega, the star actress of the popular series “Wednesday”, will not lend her voice to Netflix's “Jurassic World: Chaos Theory”, according to a report from WhatsOnNetflix.

Ahead of the highly anticipated release of “Jurassic World: Chaos Theory,” it was announced that Jenna Ortega has decided to step down from her role as the voice of Brooklyn, a prominent character in the animated series “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.” .

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Accomplished actor, singer-songwriter and model Kiersten Kelly has been announced as the new voice of Brooklyn, replacing Jenna Ortega in the animated series “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.” This casting change brings a new voice to the beloved character, and fans can't wait to see how Kelly's talents shape Brooklyn's future adventures on the show.

Meanwhile, British star Thandiwe Newton has joined the cast of the second season of Netflix's “Wednesday.” The “Westworld” star joins Jenna Ortega, Gwendoline Christie, Riki Lindhome and Jamie McShane in the series, based on the characters originally invented by Charles Addams.

Details of his character have been kept under wraps, entertainment outlet Variety reported. Recently, Steve Buscemi boarded the series for the upcoming second season.

“Wednesday” follows the adventures and exploits of Wednesday Addams (Ortega), who is forced to enroll at Nevermore Academy after being kicked out of her old high school.
Upon entering the school, Wednesday develops her own psychic powers and quickly finds herself embroiled in a murder mystery scheme that forces her to uncover secrets from the Academy and her parents' past.
The show is created by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar. Acclaimed filmmaker Tim Burton produced and directed four episodes of the first season, which was released in November 2022 and became one of the most-watched titles on Netflix.


T1. Where can you watch “Jurassic World: Chaos Theory”?
“Jurassic World: Chaos Theory” can be watched on Netflix.

Q2. Is Jenna Ortega part of “Wednesday”?
Yes, Jenna Ortega is part of “Wednesday.”

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