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Aamir Khan's Ghajini co-star Pradeep Rawat recalls actor's injury during action scene: I heard him screaming in pain | Bollywood

Aamir Khan's Ghajini co-star Pradeep Rawat recalls actor's injury during action scene: I heard him screaming in pain |  Bollywood
Aamir Khan's Ghajini co-star Pradeep Rawat recalls actor's injury during action scene: I heard him screaming in pain |  Bollywood


Pradeep Rawat has worked in many popular films and television series. The actor recently spoke about his collaboration with Aamir Khan in a interview with Siddharth Kannan for his YouTube channel. Pradeep recalls the time when Aamir was seriously injured during the climactic fight sequence of Ghajini and ended up using profanities. (Also Read: Did you know R Madhavan rejected Suriya's Ghajini? Actor reveals why)

Pradeep Rawat recently recalled the climax shoot of Ghajini when Aamir Khan was injured.
Pradeep Rawat recently recalled the climax shoot of Ghajini when Aamir Khan was injured.

Pradeep says Aamir suffered from cramps during Ghajini

Pradeep, while talking about the shocking incident, said: I was supposed to run a bit and jump on the mattresses, and Aamir was supposed to follow suit. Jumping up, I made sure there was room for Aamir to jump and land on the mattress, but the next thing I heard, it was him crying in pain. Are baap re! I saw him scream in excruciating pain. It was the first time I heard him abuse. It had to be recovered. Aamir Khan doesn't abuse, but pehli baar unke mooh see gaali suni thi (but first time I heard him use abusive words).

He added: I heard him scream in pain. This time he had to be lifted onto a stretcher. He was in no condition to walk. The fight sequences required a lot of running, causing him to lose a lot of fluids and suffer from cramps due to dehydration.

About Pradeep Rawat

Pradeep made his acting debut with Mukul Anand's Aitbaar (1985). He also played the role of Ashwatthama in BR Chopra's epic show Mahabharat. He has worked in many popular Hindi films like Agneepath (1990), Koyla (1997), Sarfarosh (1999), Lagaan (2001) and others. The actor has collaborated with Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Arukh Khan, Sunny Deol, Akshay Kumar and Jackie Shroff in many films. Pradeep has also featured in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Odia, Bengali, Bhojpuri and American cinema.

Pradeep recently reunited with Aamir at Sarfarosh's 25th anniversary celebration in Mumbai. He was last seen in Chiranjeevi's action drama Waltair Veerayya.




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