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Actress Xelia Mendes-Jones talks about the story of Wheel of Times Renna

Actress Xelia Mendes-Jones talks about the story of Wheel of Times Renna
Actress Xelia Mendes-Jones talks about the story of Wheel of Times Renna


Actress Xelia Mendes-Jones recently played two notable roles in two Prime Video shows: Renna in Wheel of time and Dane on To fall.

In a recent interview, Collider spoke to him about his approach to acting in general, as well as his preparation for both roles. The entire forty-three minute video is worth watching, but it contains some particularly interesting information for those interested in the subject. Wheel of time series.

I thought the hardest part would be, ironically, making her convincingly hateful. Then what ended up being the hardest was seeing everyone hate her, he said of Renna. I was so drawn to the fact that when you play someone so horrible, for me, I had to humanize him. I had to justify, really justify everything she did to me. Otherwise, I don't think I could play her as someone who knew she was bad.

Mendes-Jones went on to say that he developed a backstory for Renna. I had a really hard time finding exactly what responded to the truly visceral violence and cruelty she regularly displays over her four episodes while also responding to it with the fact that she seems incredibly kind and generous at first with Egwene, he says. I know there are sexual overtones in the writing style of Robert Jordan's books, and that comes through in the scripts because Rafes is a big fan of the books. It was never going to not be there.

Xelia Mendes-Jones (Renna), Madeleine Madden (Egwene Al'Vere)
Credit: Jan Thijs/Prime Video

He added: “I didn't want to emphasize that because I felt like it was already going to be there in the writing. It's done, I don't need to press these buttons. So, for me, the key trait that I gave her was that she's incredibly selfish, like an egomaniac, and Egwene is a rung on a ladder to Renna being the star. Thus, she considers Egwenes' strengths and power as a jewel in her crown. I kind of gave him that kind of selfishness because kindness comes from disagreeing with the methods of the empire, but not the ultimate goal, or the structures and systems. So, she believes in the system of the Suldam-damane dynamic, but she believes that she can do it better than them. So she wants to use Egwenes' resistance and fire power to make her an even stronger damane than the broken ones.

The first season of To fall and the first two seasons of Wheel of time are now streaming on Prime Video. No news yet on the date of the second season of To fall will premiere (although there's a good chance Mendes-Jones will return to reprise his role as Dane), nor when season three of Wheel of time will be available on the streaming platform. end-paragraph-icon




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