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Matthew Perry's death investigated in connection with concentration of ketamine found in actor's blood

Matthew Perry's death investigated in connection with concentration of ketamine found in actor's blood
Matthew Perry's death investigated in connection with concentration of ketamine found in actor's blood


LOS ANGELES (AP) Authorities have opened an investigation into how Matthew Perry received the supply of ketamine that killed him, police said Tuesday.

Los Angeles police are working with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to investigate why the Friends star, 54, had so many drugs in his system, a the LAPD captain said. Scottish Williams said in an email.

An aide found Perry, 54, face down in his hot tub on Oct. 28, and paramedics who were called immediately pronounced him dead. His autopsy, published in December, revealed that the amount of ketamine in his blood was within the range used for general anesthesia during surgery. This was the primary cause of death, which was ruled an accident with no suspicion of foul play, according to the report.

Drowning and other medical issues were contributing factors, the coroner said.

The investigation was first reported by TMZ.

Relatives of the actor told coroner investigators that he was suffering ketamine infusion therapy. This decades-old surgical drug has seen a huge increase in its use in recent years as a treatment for depression, anxiety and pain.

But the medical examiner said Perry's last treatment, a week and a half earlier, would not explain the levels of ketamine in his blood. The drug is usually metabolized within a few hours. At least two doctors treated Perry, a psychiatrist and an anesthesiologist who served as his primary care physician, according to the medical examiners' report. No drugs or illicit paraphernalia were found in his home.

Perry has had years of fight against addiction dating back to the days of Friends”, when he became one of the biggest television stars of his generation as Chandler Bing alongside Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer for 10 seasons from 1994 to 2004. The hit NBC sitcom.

In other cases, drug-related celebrity deaths have led authorities to prosecute the people who supplied them.

After the rapper Mac Millerdied of an overdose cocaine, alcohol and counterfeit oxycodone containing fentanyl, two of the men who supplied him with the fentanyl were convicted of drug distribution. One was sentenced to more than 17 years in federal prison, the other to 10 years.

Two doctors and a manager of the model and reality TV star Anna Nicole Smith were later charged with conspiring to obtain his prescription drugs before his death in 2007, but they were not charged with causing his fatal overdose. All counts except a misdemeanor fraud charge against a doctor were ultimately dismissed.

And after Michael Jackson died in 2009 from a fatal dose of propofol, a drug intended for use only in surgeries and other medical procedures, not for the insomnia for which the singer sought it, his doctor, Conrad Murraywas convicted of manslaughter in 2011. Murray has maintained his innocence.




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