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HC grants bail to Rahul Vyas arrested for raping Bollywood actress | Bombay News

HC grants bail to Rahul Vyas arrested for raping Bollywood actress |  Bombay News
HC grants bail to Rahul Vyas arrested for raping Bollywood actress |  Bombay News


MUMBAI: The Bombay High Court has granted bail to Harsh Jyotindra Vyas, also known as Rahul, who was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a Bollywood actress in Andheri. The court cited the lack of initial allegations of nonconsensual relationships and financial exploitation as a significant factor in its decision.

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Vyas was arrested by the Oshiwara police in 2023 after being on the run for five years due to his involvement in a robbery. He was arrested near Fitness First Gym on Veera Desai Road, Andheri, following a tip-off. During interrogation, Vyas confessed to being part of a gang that carried out a violent robbery at a computer instructor's office in Oshiwara, where they assaulted the instructor and his staff before fleeing with cash, cell phones and other valuables.

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The current case against Vyas involves charges under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including Section 376(2)(n) for repeated rape, as well as assault and criminal intimidation. The charges stem from an incident reported by a Bollywood actress, who claimed to have met Vyas at a gym in Andheri in June 2021. Their relationship quickly developed into one during which Vyas allegedly promised to marry and allegedly had sex with her.

The actress claimed that Vyas forced her to pursue a pregnancy against her wishes, which resulted in a miscarriage in July 2022. She further alleged that after she conceived again in November 2022, Vyas began to distance himself and finally refused to marry him. The situation worsened in April 2023, when an altercation in a car led to Vyas abusing and assaulting her, followed by threats of dire consequences.

In a further statement, the actress accused Vyas of extracting 98 lakh from her over a period of over a year. Despite these serious allegations, Vyass' lawyer argued that the relationship was consensual and even suggested that the couple had married, with Vyass' mother staying with the actress for two months.

The prosecution, opposed to granting bail, highlighted Vyas' criminal past and the danger he could pose to the actress and her child. They highlighted his connection to a 2017 robbery case through the statements of co-defendants, including his brother.

Judge NJ Jamadar, after reviewing the details of the case, noted that the original allegations did not mention non-consensual sex or financial exploitation, which were only contained in the supplemental statement. The court determined that the relationship initially appeared consensual and imposed strict conditions for Vyass' bail, including a personal bond of 50,000, regular checks at the Oshiwara police station and bans on contacting the actress or tampering with evidence.




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