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Raveena Tandon Questions Excessive Crew Size in Bollywood Productions, Says 'Look at the Quality'

Raveena Tandon Questions Excessive Crew Size in Bollywood Productions, Says 'Look at the Quality'


Raveena Tandon Questions Excessive Crew Size in Bollywood Productions, Says 'Look at the Quality'

Raveena Tandon, known for her admirable acting performances and famous dance sequences, has had a successful career in Bollywood. The actress has also worked in many South Indian films during her career and gained popularity among the audience. Recently, in a conversation with Rajshri Unplugged, Raveena shared the contrasting differences she experienced while working with Hindi and South film crews.

Raveena Tandon recalled her experience of working in 'Taqdeerwala'

Raveena Tandon worked in the film, Taqdeerwala (1995), backed by a Hyderabad-based production house, Suresh Productions. Raveena explained how the limited budget of the film financed by South production houses helped them be more efficient with their resources. In a conversation on YouTube channel Rajshri Unplugged, Raveena revealed her shared experience:

“We shot five songs in Mauritius with a crew of only nine people, no lighting men, no generators, no lights, nothing. They filmed the songs with two baby lights and only reflectors, the ones with silver foil. This is how all the songs were shot and you look at the quality of these songs.

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Raveena opened up about how Hindi films required excessive camera crews

Ranveena worked extensively in Hindi Films and was a popular lead actress in the 90s. She explained that the international exterior of Hindi Films had a team of almost 200 people. This view made her question the use of resources in a film in the Hindi film industry, speaking about her experience she said:

“When I was shooting in Mumbai and we went on location from here, to Switzerland or elsewhere, 200 people accompanied me. I said, “Why do you need so many people when we can do all this work with 10 people?” »

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Raveena enjoys working in new OTT media

In recent years, Ranveena has preferred working with OTT projects rather than theatrical releases. She believes OTT has created space for “more believable and relatable stories”. At the same time, the actress has delivered some successful OTT releases like the suspense thriller, A Friday Night and the legal drama film, Patna One. In an interview with The Quint, the actress reportedly said:

“It’s what I love to do. There were times in the late '90s when I would stop in the middle of a scene and ask myself, “Am I really saying ridiculous things?” I would question my own sensibilities. The sensitivities now match. Maybe I was always more inclined to the kind of work I do now.

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Raveena Tandon has a busy job

Ranveena has had three OTT releases until May 2024: Aranyak, Karma CallAnd Patna There is only one. Then the actress is shooting the film, Welcome to the jungle And Ghudchadi.

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What do you think about the revelations made by Raveena Tandon about her collaboration with South Indian production houses?

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