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Heeramandi actor Aditi Rao Hydari chooses a golden ethnic outfit for her first appearance at Cannes 2024. See Photos | Bollywood

Heeramandi actor Aditi Rao Hydari chooses a golden ethnic outfit for her first appearance at Cannes 2024. See Photos |  Bollywood


Actor Aditi Rao Hydari, who recently appeared in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Netflix series Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar, is all set to walk the red carpet at the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. On Tuesday evening, she was seen attending an event at Bharat Pavilion. Aditi chose a golden ethnic look, teamed with golden jumkas and gajras, for her first Cannes 2024 spotting. Read also : Aditi Rao Hydari Reacts To Her Viral Gajagamini March From Heeramandi

Aditi Rao Hydari attended an event during the ongoing Cannes Film Festival 2024 on Wednesday.  (Photo: PIB in Meghalaya)
Aditi Rao Hydari attended an event during the ongoing Cannes Film Festival 2024 on Wednesday. (Photo: PIB in Meghalaya)

The new photos of Aditi Rao Hydari at Cannes 2024

Sharing photos with the actor, PIB In Meghalaya tweeted, “Renowned Indian cinematographer Santosh Sivan has received the annual Pierre Angnieux ExcelLens in Cinematography Award, at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, becoming the first Asian recipient of this award The Bharat Pavilion also witnessed the presence of actor @aditiraohydari.” Aditi spoke about the cinematographer at the event.

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Aditi in Cannes

After Aishwarya Rai, Aditi will be present at the prestigious film festival as an ambassador for L'Oréal Paris. Early Tuesday, the actor took to Instagram to share new photos of herself before leaving India for France. The actor wore a white jacket with black pants and a matching cap in the photos clicked at her home.

She spoke about her team for Cannes 2024, and wrote in the caption, I Cannes. Wish me good luck! We Cannes! Sanu, Eli poo, Sandy, Esther, Vaishnav, Santu, Panks, Shakeel May the force be with us! We are worth it!!!! @lorealparis @lorealindia.

The actor made his debut at Cannes in 2022 and sported some stunning looks, on and off the red carpet. She also attended the film festival in 2023. Her first look at Cannes 2023 was a dreamy blue Oscar De La Renta look, which she wore for a L'Oréal shoot. The actor then walked the red carpet in a ruffled sunflower yellow dress by Michael Cinco.

Aditi is being praised for her performance in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's debut web series, Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar. The series also features Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Richa Chadha, Sanjeeda Sheikh, Sharmin Segal, Taha Shah Badussha, Shekhar Suman and Adhyayan Suman.




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