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Improving system security: Metro is launching a TAP exit pilot at the North Hollywood B Line station starting May 28.

Improving system security: Metro is launching a TAP exit pilot at the North Hollywood B Line station starting May 28.


Your safety is our top priority and we are continually testing new ways to improve safety in our transit system. As many of you know, we recently launched a public safety system foldprogram at our Westlake MacArthur Park station what our customers tell us has improved their feeling of safety at this station. Now we are launching a new pilot in North Hollywood with the goal of achieving positive results in ensuring our system is used for travel purposes by improving fare compliance.

Fare evasion constitutes a violation of our Code of Conduct and is subject to citation or removal from the system. Everyone must TAP to access the rail system, and we are working to increase compliance with this. SO, Starting Tuesday, May 28, we are launching a pilot program at the North Hollywood B Line station fare doors to see if people should Also press OUT to confirm that the valid fare has been paid. Tapping to exit isn't new, it's a common feature in other major transit systems across the country, including Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA), and Metropolitan Atlanta Regional Transit Authority (MARTA).

  • If you used your card and the fare was deducted at the start of your trip, tapping your card will confirm that the fare has been paid and open the fare gates.
  • If you have not you used your card when you begin your trip, you are violating the code of conduct and you may be warned, cited or removed from the system. If you have a valid TAP card, your fare will be deducted when you press out at the turnstiles, but it still constitutes an offense. Make sure to purchase or reload your TAP card before boarding.
  • Metrolink riders can present their valid fare to our transit security officers or use the pay intercoms located next to the fare gates to exit.

We know many of you have requested increased security and increased pricing enforcement on our system. This is why you will see more Transit Security Officers (TSOs) present at the turnstiles during most operating hours. Hands free, Closed intercoms, which connect to our Rail Operations Center (ROC), will also be available.

We also know that some of you may have questions about the Code of Conduct: what is it and how does it apply to you? The Code of Conduct is a set of rules and guidelines designed to facilitate respect for other riders, Metro employees, facilities and vehicles. Its goal is to ensure that you have a safe and comfortable experience on our system. A person who violates the code may receive a warning without a fine for a first non-serious violation, as well as a citation with a fine, expulsion and exclusion. Learn more here.

We also increased the visible presence of our teams at North Hollywood Station. These include our Blue Shirts, who provide assistance with our ATMs, our Metro Ambassadors, who help riders navigate the system, connect you to resources, and report issues they encounter, as well as our law enforcement partners and Transit Safety Officers (TSOs) who enforce the code of conduct. Representatives of our LIFE Program (Low Income Fare is Easy), will also be available to register runners for the program. To learn more about LIFE, please visit the station in person or online to see if you qualify.

We listen to your feedback and this is one of many steps we are taking to improve the security and cleanliness of your system.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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