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Richard Foronjy, criminal turned actor featured in Midnight Run, Serpico, dead at 86 WSB-TV Channel 2

Richard Foronjy, criminal turned actor featured in Midnight Run, Serpico, dead at 86 WSB-TV Channel 2


Richard Foronjy, who spent more than eight years in prison before becoming an actor and playing roles in films like Midnight Race, Serpico And Carlitos Road, died on May 19, his family said. He was 86 years old.

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Foronjy said in a 1987 interview with International United Press that he has been arrested more than 20 times for forgery, bank robbery, credit card fraud, various crimes and shenanigans, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He said he was (guilty of) almost everything except drugs and homicide.

He spent 8 1/2 years in New York's Sing Sing and Attica prisons after his conviction for armed robbery and was released in the late 1960s. Weekly Entertainment reported.

Richard's life reminds us that we are all imperfect beings, striving to navigate the complex depths of relationships and achieve parenthood, his family wrote in their obituary and on its official the Facebook page. May his spirit find peace and his loved ones find comfort in the memories of his vibrant essence.

Foronjy, a native of Brooklyn, New York, got his first film role in the 1973 crime drama. Serpicoaccording to Variety.

He would go on to play a variety of tough characters. In the 1984 film Pension manhe played hired cop Arnold Plettschner, who gave a memorable and blasphemous speech.

In the 1988 comedy action film Midnight RaceForonjy played gangster Tony Darvo, while five years later in Carlitos Way, he played another gangster, Peter Amadesso, in the crime drama, according to Variety.

I was particularly good at playing cops, probably because I knew them so well when they stopped me every two weeks, Foronjy said. UPI.

Foronjy's other film credits included roles in Ghostbusters II, The Gambler, Fun With Dick and Jane, The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh, True Confessions and Man of the House, Weekly Entertainment reported. On television, he has appeared in Whos the Boss, Murphys Law, Silver Spoons, The Jeffersons, Cagney & Lacey, Hill Street Blues, M*A*S*H, The Streets of San Francisco, Taxi and Hunter.

Foronjy was born as Richard Edward Salerno was born on August 3, 1937, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

I grew up as an angry kid in Brooklyn. I didn't care about anything, he once said. This was in the days before computers, and I thought I could make an easy living forging checks and collecting credit cards. Then I started robbing candy stores.

He published a memoir, From the mafia to the movies: how I escaped the mafia and landed in Hollywoodunder the name Richie Salerno in 2020.

Even though his physical presence is gone, the spirit of Richard Foronjy will live on through the countless lives he touched and the timeless performances that will continue to inspire generations to come. reading the obituary.




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