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Taylor Swift and Olympics Ticket Scams Fuel 2024 Fraud

Taylor Swift and Olympics Ticket Scams Fuel 2024 Fraud


Charlotte Edwards,Economic journalist

Getty Images Taylor Swift performs on stage in Paris during The Eras tour.Getty Images

Fake Olympics tickets and Taylor Swift are the two biggest online scams consumers are likely to face this year, UK Finance has warned.

The alert came as the banking lobby group reported that the number of people duped by romance fraud and purchase scams had reached new heights last year.

In total, criminals stole $1.17 billion in 2023, a 4% decrease from 2022, according to the fraud group's annual report.

But UK Finance said abuse on online platforms continued to leave people vulnerable. He called on tech companies to do more to help stop scams.

Consumers lost 86 million last year to shopping scams, where they agreed to pay for something that never materialized, UK Finance said.

This represents an increase of 28% compared to 2022. In total, there were more than 156,000 cases of fraud of this type last year.

Every year we see a change in the cycle of scams throughout the year,” said Ben Donaldson, managing director of economic crime at UK Finance.

“The Olympics and Taylor Swift are the two biggest examples this year.”

In April, Lloyds Bank revealed that Swift fans lost a total of $1 million in fraudulent ticket sales ahead of the UK leg of his tour, which begins in July.

More than 600 bank customers reported losing money.

UK Finance said fraudsters often convince victims to pay for goods by bank transfer rather than on an official website.

Tickets for big events such as the Olympics, Euro 2024, Glastonbury or Taylor Swift sell out quickly and people often look for better deals online so they don't miss out.

“Criminals will use this opportunity to try to trick you into buying tickets that are either fraudulent or don’t exist,” warned Andy Donald, of UK Finance.

UK Finance's annual report notes progress in tackling fraud, which is the UK's most common crime and has increased during the pandemic.

The total number of cases decreased by 1% compared to 2022, to around 2.97 million, with fraud involving payment cards accounting for the vast majority.

The report found that losses from unauthorized transactions fell 3% to 708.7 million last year, a decline it said was due to improved customer verification practices.

UK Finance said there was also less money lost to scams where payments were authorized.

These losses decreased by 5% to 459.7 million, while cases involving criminals posing as a bank or the police fell sharply.

However, the number of victims and money stolen in romance scams, in which people are tricked into believing they are in a relationship, hit a record last year, the report said.

Losses in these cases increased 17% to 36 million and involved an average of 10 payments per case.

This loss is double the amount reported for the same type of scams in 2020.

“Stolen money funds serious organized crime and victims often suffer emotional damage because fraud is a pernicious and manipulative crime,” Mr Donaldson said.

New regulations are set to come into force on October 7 this year, which will force UK payment service providers to reimburse customers who fall victim to payment fraud. But there are some exceptions to this rule.

UK Finance said the change made the fight against fraud more urgent.

“With the change in reimbursement rules, we risk putting even more money in the hands of criminals unless the technology and telecommunications sectors take the lead. [proper] measures to put an end to the fraud that proliferates on their platforms and networks,” Mr. Donaldson said.

How to Spot and Avoid a Scam

  • Research the company you're buying from and only buy tickets from the venue, promoter (like Live Nation), official agent (like Ticketmaster), or ticket exchange site well known and renowned.
  • Search engines like Google aren't always the best place to look, as unauthorized ticket resellers can work their way to the top of listings with ads.
  • Look for the STAR logo: This means the seller is a member of the Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers and the company signals that it has adhered to strict governance standards.
  • Avoid paying for your tickets by bank transfer, especially if you buy them from a stranger. Credit cards or payment services such as PayPal give you a better chance of getting the money back if you are a victim of fraud.
  • Be wary of unsolicited emails, text messages or advertisements offering incredibly good deals on tickets – it's more than likely that such deals are too good to be true.




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