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PNE 2024: here are some of the shows you can see at the Fair this year


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The PNE show, which takes place this year from August 17 to September 17. 2, is British Columbia's oldest and largest event and is enjoyed by all generations for everything from the evening concert series to the Playlands rides. (Not to mention the food.)

The Summer Nights Concerts series lineup has been in place for a while now, but on Wednesday the PNE announced more program highlights, including daily music in the park on the Freedom Mobile Stage.

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This series kicks off August 17 with singer/songwriter Scott Helman and, over the course of two weeks, will include local talent such as Queer as Funk, Bobby Bruce's Nearly Neil & the Solitary Band and pop musician Tyler Shaw.

The concerts take place at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. and are free with entry.

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Global Pet Foods SuperDogs are always a great treat and ridiculously fun to watch for the whole family. This year's theme is HOLLYWOOF: A Night at the Pawscars. With daily shows at the Agrodôme at 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., we can't wait to see who the big winners will be and if there will be any accidents on the red carpet.

Little music lovers can enjoy KC Bear Summer Jam on the BCAA TOONCITY Stage daily at 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. The show takes you to a fantasy land where you can be whoever you want. No, this is not a social media app. This musical stage performance involves being present in person.

Other returning events include the ever-popular Dueling Piano Kings, School of Rock end-of-season shows, For the Love of Drag walks and, of course, the PNE Prize Home Lottery exhibition.

Those interested in the outdoors can attend the Indigenous-led, non-profit Canoe Cultures Society's live demonstrations of traditional canoe carving, salmon preservation demonstrations and other Indigenous arts and crafts .

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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