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Carlito's Way and Ghostbusters II actor Richard Foronjy dies at 86

Carlito's Way and Ghostbusters II actor Richard Foronjy dies at 86
Carlito's Way and Ghostbusters II actor Richard Foronjy dies at 86


Richard Foronjy, the actor best known for his roles in Carlito Road, Serpico, And The midnight racedied Sunday at the age of 86.

Foronjy's family announced his death a statement shared on Facebookspecifying that the actor had “passed peacefully” with his family by his side, adding: “Even though his physical presence is gone, the spirit of Richard Foronjy will live on through the countless lives he touched and the timeless performances that will continue to inspire generations to come.”

ghost hunters Fans will best remember Foronjy in the 1989 sequel, where he played Con Edison supervisor Mr. Fianella. Although his screen time was brief, he managed to have a memorable on-screen altercation with Bill Murray after the film. ghost hunters had dug a significant hole in Fifth Avenue.

CREDIT: Columbia Pictures Phantom Body

Before venturing into show business, the Brooklyn native had an unsavory past: He was arrested 27 times and ultimately faced an armed robbery charge that landed him behind bars for eight years and half. Foronjy would admit that his checkered history with the law proved somewhat helpful, at least when it came to later acting roles, saying: I was particularly good at playing cops, probably because I knew them so well when they stopped me every two weeks. In 2020, he would recount the events in a memoir titled “From the mafia to the cinema: how I escaped the mafia. »

Other film roles include The next morning, Town prince, Have fun with Dick and Jane, Once upon a time in America, And True confessions, in addition to more than 70 small screen credits, including Who's Boss, Silver Spoons, The Jeffersons, M*A*S*H, Hunter and Taxi.

Richard Foronjy is survived by his children, his sons Charles and Richard Foronjy, his daughters Susan and Christine Argentina, as well as seventeen grandchildren and a host of great-grandchildren.




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