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Emerald MacDonald's friend testifies about events leading to actor's death

Emerald MacDonald's friend testifies about events leading to actor's death


Woman gives emotional testimony in murder trial of Scott Hala, accused of killing MacDonald and attempting to kill her friend

Emerald MacDonald's friend recounted the events leading up to the actor's death in May 2021 and what happened immediately afterward during the second day of Scott Halas' murder trial on Wednesday.

MacDonald's friend, who was the only witness to testify, cannot be identified due to a court-ordered publication ban.

On the witness stand, the friend described a scene where there was so much blood. She broke down several times while describing what she saw, prompting the court to be temporarily adjourned so she could collect herself.

The trial is taking place this week at the Kugluktuk community hall. Hala is charged with first-degree murder in the death of MacDonald, an actor who starred in the film The Grizzlies.

He also faces charges of attempted murder and serious sexual assault against MacDonald's friend.

Hala has pleaded not guilty to all three charges.

MacDonald was found on May 3, 2021 in a cabin approximately five kilometers from Kugluktuk. A medical examiner determined his death was caused by a gunshot to the head, the court heard earlier.

Her friend was also found inside the cabin, alive but seriously injured.

Much of MacDonald's friend's testimony Wednesday overlapped with the agreed statement of facts presented Tuesday by Crown attorney Emma Baasch, including when Hala showed up uninvited at the cottage where MacDonald and her friend were staying .

Defense attorney Rob Warren questioned the witness about her memory of events and the details of statements she made after MacDonald's death.

Warren suggested that the witness did not have a good memory of what happened while Hala was there and that she had filled in the blanks in his memory.

You're still not completely sure if you have an accurate memory of events, Warren said at one point during his cross-examination of the woman.

The witness admitted that he could not remember all the events of that morning.

Would you agree that your memory is unreliable? » Warren asked.

The witness said she remembered bits and pieces.

The trial began Tuesday and continues Thursday.

Four days were set aside to hear testimony. The Nunavut Court of Justice provided an audio feed of the trial to Nunatsiaq News.




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