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Historic status sought for Hollywood's first skyscraper

Historic status sought for Hollywood's first skyscraper


The Mountain States Life Building/Yucca-Vine Tower was built in 1929 and is currently occupied by the AMDA College of the Performing Arts. (photo by Edwin Folven)

On May 21, the Los Angeles City Council's Land Use Planning and Management Committee recommended historic and cultural status for the Mountain States Life Building/Yucca-Vine Tower, located on the northwest corner from Yucca Avenue and Vine Street.

Built in 1929 and designed in the art deco style by architect Henry L. Gogerty, the Mountain States Life Building/Yucca-Vine Tower is considered Hollywood's first skyscraper. The eight-story building was part of the city's Five Finger plan for developing the Hollywood-Vine commercial district. It served as an office building until 2006, when the interior was renovated and was acquired by the American Musical and Dramatic Academy College of the Performing Arts, which currently occupies the building.

Efforts to obtain historic and cultural designation for the tower were led by the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles. The city's Cultural Heritage Commission reviewed ADSLA's application and recommended City Council approval. The PLUM Committee unanimously approved the recommendation on May 21. The request for historic-cultural status is now subject to a vote by the plenary council.

Supporters were pleased with the PLUM committees' recommendation.

We felt it was an important building to preserve, said Margot Gerber, executive director of ADSLA. It is truly a very well preserved building. It's not in bad shape at all. [AMDA College of the Performing Arts] seems to be good building managers. They supported the candidacy.

Historic and cultural status was sought based on the buildings' significant contributions to the city and their being an integral part of Hollywood's development. The applicant also stated that the Mountain States Life Building/Yucca-Vine Tower embodies the distinctive characteristics of the art deco style and is an excellent example of an art deco commercial building.

The building first served as the headquarters of Mountain States Life Insurance Company, one of the largest in the country in the late 1920s, Gerber said. The Postal Union Life Insurance Company and other insurance companies and businesses occupied the building over the following decades. A grocery store was once located on the ground floor of the property, and from the 1970s to the early 2000s it was home to Chao Praya, one of the first Thai restaurants in the United States. The building's vertical emphasis, zigzag elements, bas-relief sculptures and steel windows all reflect the art deco style, according to a Cultural Heritage Commission report.

A request for comment was not returned by AMDA College of the Performing Arts. Los Angeles City Councilman Hugo Soto-Martinez of the 13th District supports the historic designation. His office submitted an amendment at the May 21 PLUM committee hearing stipulating that only 1,929 exterior elements of the building be designated, excluding the interior, which underwent previous renovations.

It's so exciting to see this wonderful example of art deco architecture finally getting the recognition it deserves, Soto-Martinez said. The Mountain States Life Building is a Hollywood icon whose current tenant, the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, continues to contribute greatly to Hollywood's economy, cityscape and artistic engagement.

Some ADSLA members and others were disappointed that the interior was not included in the historic and cultural status recommendation, including Kathleen Perricone, a historian and consultant who prepared the ADSLA application. Representatives said the performing arts school plans to make other adjustments to the building's interior.

Although we expected it, it was discouraging. The interior is an important part of the building, Perricone said. Ultimately, it deserves the title of historical and cultural monument.

It was built by an esteemed architect and it was always going to be a success because it is a very important building, added John Girodo, vice president of ADSLA. The positive thing is that if this passes, there will be more debate. I am very happy that it has been approved by the PLUM Committee.




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