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The welcome reappearance of actor Kevin Spacey

The welcome reappearance of actor Kevin Spacey


The appearance of American actor Kevin Spacey in the media again and the strong statements of many fellow actors supporting him are welcome and long-awaited developments.

Spacey gave extensive interviews for the first time in years, and performers Liam Neeson, Sharon Stone, F. Murray Abraham and others demanded that the award-winning actor be brought back to the movies.

In late October 2017, as part of the burgeoning #MeToo witch hunt, Spacey was accused of sexual impropriety that allegedly took place at a party in 1986, more than 30 years previously. This unsubstantiated claim, which when tested in a courtroom five years later took the jury 45 minutes to reject, led to Spacey being barred from the world of film, television and television. theater.

Kevin Spacey outside Southwark Crown Court, London, July 2023

One of the best actors of his generation, Spacey was fired from the Netflix seriesCard castle, in which his portrayal of conniving politician Frank Underwood had made him a practically household name. Later, to add insult to injury, the producers ofCard castlesued Spaceyon on grounds that his alleged sexual misconduct caused the series' season 6be shortened from 13 episodes to eight, and they were therefore entitled to $31 million in damages!

Spacey's publicist cut ties with the actor at the same time, and his talent agency, Creative Artists Agency, dropped him as well.

Unfortunately, director Ridley Scott and Imperative Entertainment dropped Spacey from the already completed project.All the money in the worldand reprized his scenes with Christopher Plummer. In general, official Hollywood has reacted instinctively to the #MeToo accusations like the anti-communist scare of the 1940s and 1950s, with utter spinelessness and a complete lack of principle.

Not to be outdone, the management of the Old Vic theater in London, where Spacey worked hard as artistic director between 2004 and 2025 to survive, reported that its own investigation had uncovered several instances of alleged inappropriate behavior . None of this ever came to fruition, except that the administrators of The Old Vic turned out to be devious and cowardly. In July 2023, a London jury found Spacey innocent of all charges related to the alleged sexual assault of four men.

The state of Massachusetts' attempt to bring a sexual assault charge against Spacey collapsed ignominiously in 2019, when the accuser refused to testify, pleading the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination. As we noted at the time, the affair smacked of a politically motivated vendetta from the start. The allegation was launched with great fanfare in November 2018 by [the accusers] mother, Heather Unruh, a former local news anchor, during a widely publicized news conference in Boston. Unruh proclaimed that she wanted to see Kevin Spacey go to prison. I want the hand of justice to fall on him.

Spacey has been vindicated on all fronts, but the Hollywood film industry, terrified by the #MeToo campaign and its affluent, well-connected advocates, has been reluctant to hire the actor.




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