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'Seinfeld' Actor Michael Richards, Who Played Kramer, Reveals His Battle With Prostate Cancer

'Seinfeld' Actor Michael Richards, Who Played Kramer, Reveals His Battle With Prostate Cancer


(NEXSTAR) Seinfeld actor Michael Richards revealed he had surgery to remove his prostate after being diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer in 2018, the actor told People in an interview exclusive.

“It had to be contained quickly,” he said. People. “I had to have full surgery. If I hadn't, I probably would have died in about eight months.

Richards added that his son, who was 9 at the time, was on his mind when he finally decided to fight his cancer, rather than accept his death.

Patients are more likely to receive effective treatment and remain disease-free if prostate cancer is detected earlier, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. With a 5-year relative survival rate close to 100%, prostate cancer has one of the best overall prognoses of all cancers, experts note.

The 74-year-old actor reportedly wrote about his battle with cancer in his soon-to-be-released memoir, Entrances and Exits, available June 4.

Richards, probably best known for playing Cosmo Kramer on NBC's hit series Seinfeld, has stayed out of the spotlight in recent years, only recently making a rare red carpet appearance at the premiere of Jerry's Netflix movie Seinfeld, Unfrosted. Before that, her last appearance on the red carpet was in 2015, Weekly Entertainment reported.

Michael Richards, Jerry Seinfeld
Michael Richards and Jerry Seinfeld attend the premiere of Netflix's “Unfrosted” at the Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles, California on April 30, 2024. (Photo by Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images)

In addition to his battle with cancer, Richards' memoir is expected to cover the 2006 viral incident that caused him to retire from Hollywood when he made racist remarks during a stand-up show in the Laugh Factory.

Richards told People that he was immediately sorry the moment he uttered the insult, although he said he had no intention of being forgiven or making a comeback.

It was time to disappear and finally pay attention to where all my anger was coming from, Richards explained to People her intentions after disappearing from show business. All I could do for everyone was go home and pull myself together.

Richards, in his forthcoming memoir, says his book is a paean to the irrational, to the mad mind that breaks everything into pieces, a reflection on the seemingly absurd difficulties that beset us all.

Books editors He added that the memoir will give readers a glimpse into the extraordinary life of a comedic genius, as well as the journey Richards took in search of understanding.

Addy Bink contributed to this report.




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