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Toronto wins first WNBA franchise outside the U.S., with expansion team set to begin play in 2026 – Hartford Courant

Toronto wins first WNBA franchise outside the U.S., with expansion team set to begin play in 2026 – Hartford Courant


By DOUG FEINBERG (AP Basketball Writer)

Toronto was awarded the first WNBA franchise outside of the United States, with the expansion team scheduled to begin play in 2026.

Kilmer Sports Ventures, led by Larry Tanenbaum, is paying $115 million for the team. Tanenbaum is also president and minority shareholder of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainmentthe Toronto sports giant that also owns the NHL's Maple Leafs and the NBA's Raptors as well as Toronto's MLS and Canadian Football League franchises.

“Growing internationally, I have tried to think about next steps on a global platform,” the WNBA commissioner said. Cathy Engelbert told the Associated Press before the official announcement Thursday morning. “This helps us reach new audiences and attract new partners. What I like about going to another country is that young girls and boys can see professional women's basketball, that's also important.

Toronto will be the WNBA's 14th franchise, with the expansion Valkyries of the Golden State expected to start playing next year.

“Our Toronto sports franchises are thriving, but we are missing one critical element: professional women’s sports,” Tanenbaum told the AP. “The world is finally waking up to something that has been there forever: the immense talent, passion and competition in women's sport. So once again, I saw an opportunity and knew we were in the right place, at the right time to bring Canada's first WNBA team to Toronto. And now we have done it, making sports history.

Toronto will play at the 8,700-seat Coca-Cola Coliseum at Exhibition Place and will have the option to travel to Scotiabank Arena on occasion. Opened in 1921, the Coca-Cola Coliseum is also the home of the Toronto Marlies of the American Hockey League.

“Women’s sports is good business,” Tanenbaum said. “Look around you: this is not a moment, but a movement and this is only the beginning. The investment we will put into the franchise will also not be different from other franchises.

Tanenbaum said the team will also play some games in Vancouver and Montreal. As for the team name, he said they would take their time and “seek public input.”

Kilmer Sports Ventures, set up as a standalone company to manage the team, has committed to building a training facility, but until that is ready it will train at the Goldring Center for High Performance Sport in the University of Toronto.

Engelbert said WNBA exhibition games in Canada over the past two seasons have shown the passion the country's fans have for women's basketball.

“When I was ready for the preseason game, Kia (nurse) and I attended a youth clinic. The young girls’ reaction to Kia and what she represents, they admire her so much,” Engelbert said.

Nurse is one of the few Canadian players playing in the WNBA and more are on the way.

“There’s no doubt it helps to have household names,” Engelbert said.

The commissioner expects the league to have 16 teams by 2028.

“We've already had a lot of interest and it's become more tangible and more serious from a lot of cities after the draft,” Engelbert said. “We’re certainly in a good position to get to 16 by 27-28.”






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