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Seinfeld actor Michael Richards reveals his battle with prostate cancer

Seinfeld actor Michael Richards reveals his battle with prostate cancer


Michael Richards, 74, best known for playing Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld, has revealed a health issue.

In his memoir Inputs and Outputs, released June 4, he details how he was diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer in 2018, after a routine exam revealed elevated PSA levels.

“I thought, well, it’s my time. I'm ready to go,” he said told people.

“But then my son came to mind a few seconds later and I heard myself say, 'I have a 9-year-old and I wish I could be there for him.' Is there any way I can get on with my life a little longer?

Michael Richards as Kramer. Castle Rock Entertainment/courtesy Everett Collection
Michael Richards, Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Jason Alexander. AFP via Getty Images

Richards, who played Kramer for nearly a decade on the hit series and won three Emmy Awards for the role, said his doctors recommended surgery to remove his prostate.

“It had to be contained quickly,” he said. “I had to have full surgery. If I hadn't, I probably would have died in about eight months.

The near miss prompted him to write a memoir, he told the outlet.

“I had over 40 journals that I had kept over the years and I wanted to do a complete review of my life,” he said. “I'm 75, so maybe wanting to do this is something that comes from my age. I wanted to connect with feelings and memory. I'm surprised how much I could remember.

In his memoir, he also addresses the infamous 2006 controversy where he used the N-word during a racist tantrum to berate a heckler at a comedy club.

Michael Richards, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander, Jerry Seinfeld. Castle Rock Entertainment/courtesy Everett Collection
Michael Richards left the stage after an N-word controversy. AFP via Getty Images

He publicly apologized for “David Letterman” at the time, but also subsequently left the stage, effectively ending his career.

“I am not racist,” he told People in an interview published Wednesday. “I have nothing against black people. The man who told me I wasn't funny had just said what I'd been telling myself for a while. I felt defeated. I wanted to put him down. »

Richards added that he took a step back to understand why he had anger inside him.

I said no to the offer of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I didn't feel deserving, he said.

I said no to hosting Saturday Night Live twice because I didn't feel good enough. I was never really happy with my performance on Seinfeld. Fame amplified my insecurities.

“Fame amplified my insecurities,” Michael Richards said. Castle Rock Entertainment/courtesy Everett Collection
Michael Richards has revealed a health battle. Getty Images

The actor is still friends with Jerry Seinfeld, but lives a low-key life with his wife, actress Beth Skipp, with whom he shares a son.

He's rarely in the spotlight, like when he attended the premiere of the first Seinfeld movie, Unfrosted (now streaming on Netflix).

“I was immediately sorry as soon as I said it on stage,” Richards told the outlet, before adding, “I’m not looking for a comeback.

The damage was inside me, he said.

So I completely moved away from show business. It was time to disappear and finally pay attention to where all my anger was coming from. All I could do for everyone was go home and come to my senses.




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