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Famous Bollywood Kids Who Received Extravagant Gifts

Famous Bollywood Kids Who Received Extravagant Gifts


More often than not, famous kids become celebrities in their own right before they even make a name for themselves. Their birthdays, milestones and even occasional achievements are celebrated with a grandeur that often makes headlines. From Taimur's birthday celebrations to Raha's public appearances, we have seen it all. Here is a list of all the child stars of Bollywood who received extravagant gifts.

From luxury cars and designer clothes to real estate and exotic vacations, Bollywood's gift-giving culture is a spectacle. While gifts are meant to be a token of love and affection, gifts for children of Bollywood celebrities are also symbols of the stars' wealth and influence. Aaradhya Bachchan, Aryan Khan, Taimur Ali Khan, the next generation of Bollywood are already living this life. Using our love for Bollywood trivia, we learn about the famous kids who were gifted extremely expensive things.

Bollywood celebrity kids with the most expensive gifts

Raha Kapoor

Since her birth and even more so after her first public appearance at Christmas last year, Raha Kapoor has been a favorite of the paparazzi and the media. Even though she was never in the limelight, what shocked everyone was when Ranbir Kapoor gifted her a bungalow worth INR 250 crores, making her the owner of the house most expensive in Mumbai. According to Living mint, the bungalow belonged to the late actor Raj Kapoor and his wife Krishna Raj from whom Ranbir inherited it. He registered the Bandra bungalow in the name of his daughter Raha Kapoor, thereby making her the richest child celebrity in Bollywood.

Aryan Khan

children of celebrities
Image: Courtesy of Aryan Khan/Instagram

Aryan Khan has been a known face in the Bollywood fraternity since his childhood. Today, Aryan Khan is an entrepreneur, with his clothing brand D'Yavol A6. The price of the car ranges between INR 64.07 lakh and INR 70.41 lakh, making it one of the most expensive gifts for a famous kid.

Abram Khan

SRK's youngest (and cutest) Abram Khan is the next famous kid on the block to receive an expensive gift. But it's not something you usually see. It’s an adorable treehouse. The tree house is made entirely of wood and has a red roof. Huge blocks of tree trunks make up the stairs of the house. The “house” was designed by none other than four-time national award-winning artistic director Sabu Cyril. Although the price of the house is not known, it is certainly a priceless gift.

Viaan Kundra

Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra's eldest child, Viaan Kundra, was born with a silver spoon. Shila Shetty has been an important figure in Bollywood since the 90s, and Raj Kundra is one of the most successful and richest businessmen. According to reports, Viaan owns one of the most luxurious cars – a Lamborghini worth INR 3.21 crore. It was a gift from Shilpa Shetty, and like all little boys, Viaan loves this car.

Taimur Ali Khan

children of celebrities
Image: Courtesy Kareena Kapoor/Instagram

The paparazzi's favorite child, and quite the OG if we can say so, Taimur Ali Khan has probably made as many headlines as his parents Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. On Taimur's first birthday, Saif had gifted him the powerful 4×4, the Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT. With a price tag of INR 1.32 crore, it is one of the most expensive gifts received by a famous child. Taimur is now 7 years old and has more than a decade to go before he can get behind the wheel.

Suhana Khan

children of celebrities
Image: Courtesy of Suhana Khan/Instagram

If there was a real daddy's princess, it would be Suhana Khan. SRK left no stone unturned to pamper his daughter. Long before she ventured into films, Suhana Khan owned a chic car, the Mercedes-Benz GLE 43 AMG Coupe. It comes with a price tag of INR 2 crore and is one of the most expensive gifts received by a celebrity kid.

Aaradhya Bachchan

children of celebrities
Image: Courtesy of AishwaryaRaiBachchan/Instagram

Aaradhya is already a regular at Cannes with her mom, and gets petted everywhere she goes. She is the proud owner of a swanky red Mini Cooper worth INR 25 lakh. Additionally, an Audi A8 priced between INR 1.34 crore and INR 1.62 crore, and a vacation home in Dubai worth INR 54 crore, according to Bollywood Shaadis.

Adira Chopra

The daughter of Rani Mukerji and Aditya Chopra is probably one of the most private celebrities when it comes to being photographed by the media. But that doesn't mean she didn't receive expensive gifts. In fact, Adira's parents gifted her two bungalows in Andheri, near Yash Raj's office. Still at school, Adira already owns real estate.

Hero Image: Courtesy of Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan/Instagram, Hero Image: Courtesy of Kareena Kapoor/Instagram




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