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2024 Emmy Guest Actor/Actress Predictions

2024 Emmy Guest Actor/Actress Predictions


Variety The Awards Circuit section is home to all the awards news and related content throughout the year, including the following: official predictions for the upcoming Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and Tony Awards, hosted by Variety Clayton Davis, Awards Editor. Prediction pages reflect current race standings and do not reflect the personal preferences of any individual competitor. As other formal (and informal) polls suggest, competitions are fluid and subject to change based on buzz and events. Forecasts are updated every Thursday.

Visit the prediction pages for the respective ceremonies via the links below:


Emmy Awards 2024 Predictions:
Outstanding Guest Actor/Actress in a Drama/Comedy Series

Courtesy of NBC

Weekly Comment (Updated: May 23, 2024): Competition in the comedy guest actress category is fierce. Jamie Lee Curtis and Sarah Paulson are early favorites for The Bear, with several HBO/Maxs Hacks members Kaitlin Olson and J. Smith Cameron potentially being dark horses. Despite a strong roster of names, this season's SNL female hosts are in a stronger overall position than their male counterparts.

Rudolph, who won back-to-back trophies in 2020 and 2021, is currently the third most nominated person in the category's history with six nominations, behind Cloris Leachman's eight and Tina Fey's nine. In addition to her work in the second season of the comedy Apples Loot, she could be on her way to multiple endorsements, alongside Wiig, in Apples Palm Royale. But Wiig has never won despite his nine Emmy nominations.

Concerning “The Bear” and the infamous Pisces episode, it offers a passionate flashback of the Berzatto family's Christmas dinner. Directed by Christopher Storer, who also co-wrote the episode with Joanna Calo, Fishes could be a gold mine for nominations, featuring talent like John Mulaney, Sarah Paulson, Bob Odenkirk, Gillian Jacobs, Chris Witaske , Jamie Lee Curtis and Jon Bernthal.

Curtis, in fine form two years after her Oscar win for Everything Everywhere All at Once, is the clear favorite in the comedy guest actress race, eyeing what could be her second career Emmy nod that could bringing it halfway to EGOT status (can't wait for a potential spoken word album).

Recurring characters like Robert Townsend, who lights up the screen as Sydney's supportive father Emmanuel, are also in the Emmy race. After five decades in Hollywood, his romantic journey through four episodes could earn him the first Emmy nod of his career, especially if the TV Academy members go all-in on Bear. Meanwhile, Emmy nominee Will Poulter (Dopesick) also makes a strong impression in Honeydew as Luca, a dessert chef who mentors Marcus, who might slip into the fray.

In the dramatic domain, the uncertainty is greater. “The Morning Show” has a handful of contestants, with Marcia Gay Harden probably being the best picture of all.

Emmy nominations are due Thursday, May 9. The eligibility deadline for all series ending their run is May 31. The voting round for nominations is open from June 13 to 24.

Read: All Primetime Emmy predictions in each category on Variety Rewards circuit.




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