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Chris Hemsworth honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Chris Hemsworth honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES (KABC) — A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was unveiled Thursday in honor of Chris Hemsworth, a day before the U.S. release of his latest film, “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.”

George Miller, who directed and co-wrote the script for the post-apocalyptic action-adventure film, and Robert Downey Jr., a castmate of Hemsworth's in four “Avengers” films, were among those who joined him at the ceremony in front of the Ovation. Hollywood shopping complex on Hollywood Boulevard. His “Furiosa” co-star Anya Taylor-Joy was also in attendance.

Hemsworth praised his fans, peers and family, especially praising his parents.

He said his parents raised him “with the belief that if you choose something you're passionate about, if you lean into something you love with all your heart and soul, then purpose and meaning are displayed before you.

“We don't say rise to love, we say fall into love, then fall into it. There is a leap of faith that happens, and there is a risk in that. But if you have people around you to grab you and support you, so it's a much easier risk to take. And I'm very grateful for my parents' encouragement along the way, and for the trust they have in us. given to me and my brothers to pursue something we were passionate about and that ignited curiosity and creativity.

This star is the 2,781st since the Walk of Fame was completed in 1961, along with the original 1,558 stars.

Hemsworth is best known for his portrayal of the hammer-wielding god Thor, first in the 2011 Marvel film of the same name, then in “The Avengers”, “Thor: The Dark World”, “Avengers: Age of Ultron”, “Thor : Ragnarok”, “Avengers: Infinity War”, “Avengers: Endgame” and “Thor: Love and Thunder”.

He also starred as mercenary Tyler Rake in the 2020 action thriller “Extraction,” Netflix's most-watched original film, and its 2023 sequel “Extraction 2.”

Hemsworth's other memorable films include “Snow White and the Huntsman” and its sequel, “The Huntsman: Winter's War,” “Men in Black: International,” the 2016 reboot of “Ghostbusters”; the biographical sports film “Rush” and “Vacation,” the fifth and final theatrical installment in the “Vacation” film series.

The actor made his American film debut in the 2009 science fiction film “Star Trek”, appearing in the opening scene as George Kirk, the first officer of the Federation starship USS Kelvin and father of James T. Kirk, the future captain of the Enterprise.

Josh Tyler of entertainment news site Cinemablend called Hemsworth's scene “the best five minutes I've spent in a movie theater this year.”

Hemsworth was born on August 11, 1983, in Melbourne, Australia, and grew up there and in the outback Australian town of Bulman. He began his career in 2002 on Australian television, starring in two episodes of the fantasy series “Guinevere Jones” as King Arthur, appearing in the nighttime soap opera “Neighbors” and in an episode of the legal series “Marshall Law “.

His first leading role came in 2004 as Kim Hyde, a young high school dropout, in “Home and Away”, which earned him a Logie Award in 2005 as the most popular new male talent. The awards recognize the best in Australian television.

Hemsworth appeared in 171 episodes of the late-night soap opera, leaving in 2007 to focus on his film career.

Copyright 2024 KABC Television, LLC. All rights reserved.




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