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Tech giants aim to license Hollywood content for AI models

Tech giants aim to license Hollywood content for AI models
Tech giants aim to license Hollywood content for AI models


Alphabet,MetaplatformsAndOpenAIreportedly in talks with Hollywood studios to license content for their artificial intelligencevideo generationsoftware.

Companies are developing technology capable of creating realistic scenes based ontext promptsand offered financial incentives to partner with studios, BloombergreportedThursday (May 23).

The discussions come as studios look for ways to use AI to reduce costs while protecting their intellectual property, according to the report.

Studios are reluctant to supply their films and TV shows to tech companies without any control over how the content is usedsays the report.The recent case of Scarlett Johansson demanding that OpenAI stop using a voice sounding like hers in itschatbothighlights the concerns of actors and creators regardingthe use ofAI technology.

The potential financial gains oflicense contentto AI companies are considerableaccording to the report.News Corp.agreed this week to allow OpenAI to use content from its publications in a deal worth more than $250 million over five years.Discovery of Warner Bros.has expressed interest in licensing some of its programswhileWalt Disney Co.AndNetflixhave shown interest in other types of collaboration but are not willing to license their content.

New tools like OpenAISoraand alphabetsI seepromise to take AI capabilities in Hollywood to the next levelaccording to the report.These tools allow filmmakers to create vivid images andhyper realistic clipsbased on minimal descriptions. However, concerns about the impact on employment and the need for industrial regulation have generatedbothexcitement and anxiety in Hollywood.

Actor, filmmaker and studio owner Tyler Perry has called on the industry to come together and develop regulations to ensure its survival in the face ofAI Advancessays the report.The music industry has taken a strong stance against the use of AI, withUniversal music grouppursue an AI startupAnthropicfor allegedly copyingsongs' lyrics. Major studios have yet to sue tech companiesthe use ofAI,as they explore ways to make AI work for them rather than fighting against it.

One of the challenges of licensing content to AI companies is the potential tension between studios and their creative partners.according to the report.Studios think they have the right to license their films, but actors and creators may want approval rights if theirresemblanceor voiceis usedin AI models.

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