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Applause for a cause for the premiere of NECRO 101, a mafia and gangster-filled film

Applause for a cause for the premiere of NECRO 101, a mafia and gangster-filled film
Applause for a cause for the premiere of NECRO 101, a mafia and gangster-filled film


Applause for a Cause's eighth feature film will feature a high school student who needs one last credit to graduate and takes the only remaining course: Necromancy 101.

“It’s like a Gen Z comedy version of The Godfather,” said Sam Friedman, communications manager and co-director.

“NECRO 101” will premiere at the Northwestern Film Festival, with a sold-out screening and red carpet at AMC Evanston 12 on May 31. Given the limited number of places, there will be additional screenings for $5 on June 3, 4 and 5. at 6 p.m. at the Annie May Swift Auditorium.

Applause raises money for a philanthropic organization each year by making a student-led film and donating its proceeds. This year's chosen beneficiary is the Lou Malnati Brain Cancer Institute, a brain tumor research center.

Throughout the summer, the Applause Board of Directors solicited script submissions, primarily from students. Brady Meldorf, communications manager and co-director, said the group considered the quality of the story, potential filming locations and practicality as part of the budget.

Despite some budgetary concerns, Meldorf said Applause felt a strong resonance with communications executive Julz Feit's film “NECRO 101.”

“It was a little daunting in terms of production value and the budget we were working with, but Sam and I were willing to take a risk,” Weldorf said.

After finalizing pre-production logistics at Fall Quarter, Applause's 91 members and nine actors began filming at Winter Quarter. Filming took place over eight weekends with filming days of five to 12 hours.

The sets were filmed almost entirely on campus, said Ananya Paul, a sophomore communications major and co-producer. Applause filmed a Godfather-inspired scene in Scott Hall's Guild Lounge, transformed the Great Room, a satellite location of the Norris University Center, into the mob boss' restaurant, and depicted a classroom in the 2122 Sheridan Rd. building.

The crew sent footage to the editor throughout the filming process, Meldorf said. The majority of the editing was completed during the spring quarter.

Despite the time commitment, Paul said seeing the film come to life was worth it, especially considering the friendships she made throughout the year.

“You have this product and you have a connection through this product,” she said. “It almost feels like family.”

According to Paul, Applause is in the works for the film to be shown at film festivals outside of NU.

Paul said she wanted to see the film last longer than a premiere because of all the effort the members of Applause put into creating the film while being full-time students.

“The fact that you put so much time and energy into making a film makes you want to take it somewhere and not screen it once,” Paul said.

Along with “NECRO 101,” the NU Film Festival will feature a series of premieres. Media Arts Grants will premiere at Block Cinema at 6:30 p.m. on May 29. Advanced Sitcom Writing will be screened at Annie May Swift Hall at 6 p.m. on May 30. The premiere of the senior production will take place in McCormick Auditorium at 1:30 p.m. June 2.

E-mail: [email protected]
X: @betsy_lecy

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