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Red Carpet Smiles: Expert Reveals Secrets of Cosmetic Dentistry in Bollywood

Red Carpet Smiles: Expert Reveals Secrets of Cosmetic Dentistry in Bollywood


Paradoxically, a beautiful smile is both the most discreet aspect of our care and the most sought-after treatment in cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry. While everyone has a unique smile, some smiles have become cult classics like the enigmatic smile of Mona Lisathe ethereal charm of Madhuri saidthe disarming smile of Madhubala or the gregarious of Jim Carrey. Smiling opens doors and sets the tone in many situations.

In this article, Dr. Kamlesh Kothari, Dental Implantologist, Cosmetic Dentist and Maxillofacial Surgeon and Director of Aesthetica Clinics, Kolkataexplains why people seek cosmetic dentistry and the procedures to achieve the smile they want.

Reasons for dissatisfaction with a smile

chipped teeth

No one is born perfect and not everyone is happy with their smile for various reasons. Cosmetic dentistry or cosmetic dentistry is a branch that has come to the rescue of those who want to change their smile, said Dr Kothari.

Peer pressure and awareness in a super-connected social media world have pushed the need for cosmetic dentistry to greater heights. Common reasons for smile dissatisfaction, as listed by Dr. Kothari, are:

  • Unsatisfactory tooth alignment
  • Chipped, broken or cracked teeth
  • Discolored
  • Spaces between teeth
  • No teeth or no teeth visible when smiling
  • Excessive gums appear when smiling.
  • Teeth placed forward (rabbit teeth/rabbit teeth)
  • Dark gums
  • Incorrect jaw profile
  • Missing teeth

Advances in cosmetic dentistry

cosmetic dentistry

A giant leap in the fields of digital dentistry, 3D printing, CAD/CAM and materials science has enabled dentists to make significant progress. According to American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), improving your smile can dramatically transform your overall appearance; Even minor improvements can boost your confidence and self-esteem, making you want to smile more often. Cosmetic procedures now range from simple color correction to replacing missing teeth and everything in between.

Smile design or smile makeover is a term used to modify an existing smile and achieve the desired one. Various options are available with a cosmetic dentist to resolve this problem. Here are a few listed by Dr. Kothari:

  • Facets: Dental veneers are thin, custom-made, tooth-colored shells placed over your existing front teeth to conceal stains, cracks and chips and restore contour.
  • Contour of teeth and crowns: When thin-shell veneers fail to resolve complex alterations, more durable 360-degree structures, called crowns, become necessary. Made from glass-like ceramic, these crowns offer a natural aesthetic.
  • Gluing: Closing the space between teeth or chipped or cracked teeth can be managed by reconstructing the affected part with a color-matched tooth-like material called composite bonding. Actor Mouni Roy has its shortcomings filled with this technique.
  • Teeth whitening: Yellowish or stained teeth can be whitened, the effects of which last for a year and need to be repeated.
  • Cosmetic gum contouring: This is a procedure by which excess gums can be reshaped and made symmetrical.
  • Laser gum depigmentation: It helps to get rid of dark gums in just one session.
  • Invisible devices: These are the latest methods of non-invasive tooth alignment without the need to shave tooth structure.
  • Jaw Reshaping: This is a surgical procedure that reshapes the contours of the jaws into the desired position.
  • Maxillofacial surgery: This is performed by maxillofacial surgeons where the jaws are partially or completely severed and returned to the desired position.
  • Cosmetic gum surgery: Periodontists can augment, modify or reset gums that are receding or thinning due to habit or trauma.
  • Botox and fillers: These are additional procedures performed to change the shape of the lips or other parts of the face to achieve a holistic smile makeover.

The concept of the Hollywood smile

Hollywood smile

The term “Hollywood smile” is a well-established concept where the front teeth are modified and set into a harmonious curve with impeccable aesthetics. Celebrities who have undergone cosmetic dental procedures include Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Sushmita Sen, Ranbir Kapoor, Miley Cyrus, Nicholas Cage and Jacqueline Fernandessaid Dr. Kothari.

The impact of cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry has been a boon for people who only dreamed of a special smile. The common person undergoes many more cosmetic dental procedures than is normally assumed. GenZ's new mantra is YOLO (You Only Live Once) and they are surely living it, Dr. Kothari pointed out.

[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. We advise you to consult your expert if you have any queries regarding cosmetic dentistry opting for one.]

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