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Target towns: Could Grimsby give Hollywood a run for its money? | Ents & Arts News

Target towns: Could Grimsby give Hollywood a run for its money?  |  Ents & Arts News


Compared to Hollywood, Grimsby may be more of a fish factory than a dream factory – but just like La La Land, the Lincolnshire port town is aiming for the stars with ambitious plans to become a favorite location for filmmakers.

“Build it and I hope they come,” is the belief of Emma Lingard, a resident who once worked in television but is now a director at Associated British Ports (ABP), which owns Grimsby Docks.

“Every producer or manager who has come to see us says that London is too expensive,” she says. “They discover that there are too many other productions jostling for the same space… so they look to the North.”

Grimsby plans to become a hotspot for filmmakers
Grimsby plans to become a hotspot for filmmakers

Aware of the potential, the ABP created the Kasbah Film Quarter, around some of its historic buildings. The plan is to expand by building a much sought-after resource in the UK: a soundstage, for soundproof recording of films and TV shows, as well as production centers.

It may seem like a stretch to compare Grimsby to the famous Hollywood film and musical Sunset Boulevard and its antagonist, fading silent film star Norma Desmond – but there are clear parallels as he tries to find his place in an industry that does not exist as it was.

Grimsby plans to become a hot spot for filmmakers - and recently doubled for wartime London in the Netflix drama Bodies.
The city was recently dubbed to resemble wartime London in the Netflix drama Bodies

Once the largest fishing port in the world (it's still big, it's the catches that have become small), signs of that faded glory remain, but it's actually a much sought-after asset in film and British television.

“There’s a big attraction to the old buildings that we have… their authenticity and their character,” says Lingard. Part of the appeal for filmmakers is how they can save on set construction costs, she says.

Emma Lingard, Director of The Kasbah Grimsby, Associated British Ports
Emma Lingard, Director of The Kasbah Grimsby, Associated British Ports

It's an area that's home to a multitude of empty historic buildings, including eight nationally listed buildings, grouped together and closed to the public. These recently doubled for wartime London in the Netflix drama Bodies, starring Stephen Graham.

“You can look at this building and think of the East End of London or maybe a back street in New York somewhere,” says Lingard. “You just have to have that vision.”

Actor Thomas Turgoose, best known for This Is England, still lives in Grimsby
Actor Thomas Turgoose, best known for This Is England, still lives in Grimsby

Grimsby also provided a filming location for the 2007 film Atonement, starring Keira Knightley and James McAvoy.

And he already has the acting talent. Thomas Turgoose, who rose to fame in his early teens when he starred in Shane Meadows' critically acclaimed film This Is England, has remained resident despite his film career taking him all over the world.

“Filming in London is a nightmare,” he jokes. “If you inconvenience someone or delay their coffee time by five minutes, oh my God, it's like you've just ruined their Christmas… which you probably have. one of the reasons I never moved.”

Turgoose believes more productions would film in his hometown if everyone was more aware of what it has to offer.

What are target cities?

Sky News' Target Towns series aims to tell the story of the upcoming election from the perspective of voters in the new constituency of Great Grimsby and Cleethorpes.

We'll hear from locals throughout election night to understand the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and to discuss what the future might look like depending on which political party is elected to power.

The constituency is high on both Conservative and Labor target lists, lying right in the heart of the “red wall” that the Conservatives broke to win the 2019 election.

Once again, this promises to be at the heart of the ambitions of both leaders.

“There's so much going on here… if you want to come to Grimsby and shoot period dramas it looks great, but you can also go to the beach in five minutes. I hope it opens people's eyes.

“It comes down to people being proud of Grimsby and having a vision and having faith in it… and I hope the film industry does that for that.”

Do Hollywood stars such as Timothée Chalamet Do you like swapping the capital for nearby seaside town Cleethorpes?

“I think he would really like it, actually,” Turgoose says. “I mean, he’d love fish and chips.”

But are locals quite ready for an invasion of carb-denying stars?

Learn more:
“It was known as the murder mile.”
The frustration of Grimsby Town supporters sitting on the battlefield

Jade Shearer, manager of Ernie Becketts fish and chip shop in Grimsby
Jade Shearer, manager of Ernie Becketts fish and chip shop

Jade Shearer, manager of local chip shop Ernie Becketts, reckons she could convert a few.

“I certainly wouldn't say no to the service Brad Pitt“, she laughs. “We need more things to bring people back here and make it as busy as before.”

With Grimsby and Cleethorpes likely to be a battleground at the next general election, politicians will no doubt be promising all sorts of investment, including involvement in Grimsby's Hollywood end – but the creative minds here are currently working alone .

They say they've learned over the years that politicians' promises tend to end up in the editing room.

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In polite terms, Lingard says: “If opportunities presented themselves to give us pockets of money to help restore heritage, then great…but sometimes actions take more than words.”

For now, she's focused on big-screen action, including finding ways to lure characters like 007 to the North.

“Actually, in 1981 a James Bond film was filmed in Grimsby,” laughs Lingard. “So why not?”

Get ready, Mr. DeMille – Grimsby is ready for his close-up.

Sky News' Target Towns series aims to follow the build-up to the general election in a key constituency popular with both the Conservatives and Labor: Great Grimsby and Cleethorpes. Send your stories to [email protected].




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