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Indian King of Bollywood doing well after reports of hospitalization for heat stroke

Indian King of Bollywood doing well after reports of hospitalization for heat stroke


Shah Rukh Khans the director said India The king of Bollywood is recovering well after being hospitalized following heatstroke, as parts of the country are gripped by week-long general elections.

The 58-year-old superstar was admitted for treatment on Wednesday in the city of Ahmedabad in western Gujarat state, police told local reporters. Maximum temperatures there climbed to 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) this week.

To all Mr. Khans fans and supporters: he is doing well. Thank you for your love, prayers and concern, his manager Pooja Dadlani wrote on X on Thursday.

Khan was admitted to KD Hospital after suffering from heatstroke, the Press Trust of India reported on Wednesday, quoting Ahmedabad Superintendent of Police (Rural) Om Prakash Jat. A video released by a local news agency showed Khan's wife, Gauri, arriving at the hospital Thursday morning to visit him.

CNN has contacted KD Hospital for comment.

Also known as King Khan, the actor has quasi-demigod status in India, having appeared in more than 90 films and won numerous awards. He received India's fourth highest civilian honor in 2005 and a place on Time magazine's 100 Most Influential list in 2022.

Khan was in Ahmedabad to watch an Indian Premier League cricket match between the Kolkata Knight Riders, a team he co-owns, and the Sunrisers Hyderabad.

His hospitalization comes as the heatwave continues to ravage parts of the country, causing illness and forcing some schools to close as temperatures once again rise to threatening levels. human limits of survival capacity.

Temperatures soared beyond 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) in various northern cities this week, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), which issued a warning of a severe heatwave in the states of Rajasthan, India. Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. , and the capital territory Delhi.

Delhi authorities this week ordered the early closure of schools for summer holidays after temperatures reached 47.4 degrees Celsius (117 Fahrenheit), while the town of Barmer in Rajasthan recorded a maximum temperature of 48 degrees Celsius (118 Fahrenheit) on Wednesday, according to the IMD.

Temperatures are expected to remain high over the next few days, the statement said.

The intense heat comes as the nation of 1.4 billion people holds national elections. Delhi, a city of more than 11 million people, goes to the polls on Sunday.

The country often experiences heatwaves during the summer months of May and June, but in recent years they have arrived earlier and been prolonged. Experts say the climate crisis will only cause more frequent and longer heatwaves in the future, testing India's ability to adapt.

India is among the countries expected to be worst hit by the climate crisis, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, threatening its development while risking reversing its progress in reducing poverty , health and economic growth.

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