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Mom-to-be Deepika Padukone shares new photos as Bollywood supports her amid trolling, fans call her a ray of sunshine. See photos | Bollywood News

Mom-to-be Deepika Padukone shares new photos as Bollywood supports her amid trolling, fans call her a ray of sunshine.  See photos |  Bollywood News


Deepika Padukone started her Friday morning by bringing some sunshine by posting a series of happy photos wearing a sunny yellow dress and flashing a million dollar smile. Deepika took to Instagram story to share her photos. Deepika, the mother-to-be, delighted her fans pregnancy glow. See his photos here:

Deepika Padukone in yellow dress-1 Deepika Padukone shared a few pictures of herself in a yellow dress on Instagram. (Photo: Deepika Padukone/Instagram)

Deepika has bright eyes in this photo where she is smiling. Deepika and her husband, actor Ranveer Singh, took to Instagram earlier this year to announce their pregnancy. The couple expressed their joy as they prepare to welcome their baby in September.

Deepika Padukone in yellow dress-2 Deepika Padukone is a ray of sunshine in her new photos. (Photo: Deepika Padukone/Instagram)

Although Deepika has been away from the public eye, she was last spotted by paps while stepping out to vote in Mumbai on Monday (May 20). She was seen wearing a white shirt and jeans, paired with Ranveer.

Deepika Padukone in yellow dress-3 Deepika Padukone is pregnant and expecting her child in September. (Photo: Deepika Padukone/Instagram)

Deepika's fans showed their love as she glowed with her pregnancy glow and debuted her baby bump.

Deepika Padukone in yellow dress-4 Deepika Padukone, in her sunny yellow dress, delighted her fans. (Photo: Deepika Padukone/Instagram)

Deepika and Ranveer dated for six years before getting married on November 14, 2018, at Lake Como in Italy. She had earlier said that she and Ranveer loved children and looked forward to the day when we would start our own family.

Festive offer
Deepika Padukone in yellow dress-5 Deepika flashed an effervescent smile in this photo. (Photo: Deepika Padukone/Instagram)

The actor recently faced nasty trolls when she was seen with her husband as they stepped out to vote in the Lok Sabha elections. Although Deepika herself did not comment, Bollywood celebrities such as Alia Bhatt, Pooja Bhatt and Shruti Seth liked a post asking haters to behave.

On the work front, Deepika was last seen in Jawan with Shah Rukh Khan and is now all set to star in Rohit Shetty's Singham Again as Lady Singham. Recently, in an interview with Deadline, she spoke about her work and her refusal to make another Hollywood film after XXX: Return of Xander Cage (2017). She said: “I don’t think we’ve radically changed anything in India in the way we work or the type of stories we tell. I think we've always had interesting stories to tell, but I think what's changed is that the world has opened up to the idea of ​​the Orient and to India in particular and I think that it is the change of realizing that there is a world outside of America.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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