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Chris Hemsworth gets his star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame: the Thor actor kisses his wife Elsa Pataky and is joined by their 3 children as well as Robert Downey Jr and Anya Taylor-Joy

Chris Hemsworth gets his star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame: the Thor actor kisses his wife Elsa Pataky and is joined by their 3 children as well as Robert Downey Jr and Anya Taylor-Joy


Chris Hemsworth was surrounded by family and friends as he received his star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame on Wednesday.

The Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga The actor, 40, was joined by his wife Elsa Pataky, 47, and their three children, daughter India Rose, 12, and twins Sasha and Tristan, 10, then that the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce honored him for his incredible contribution to the movement. pictures.

Robert Downey Jr., Anya Taylor-Joy and Mad Max director George Miller were also on hand to celebrate the matinee idol.

Wearing a smart navy suit, Chris left the top buttons of his white shirt undone, flashing his megawatt smile for eager photographers.

At one point during the ceremony, the handsome Australian leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on Elsa, who looked stunning in her white satin ensemble adorned with black lace.

Chris Hemsworth was surrounded by family and friends as he received his star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame on Wednesday.

Chris Hemsworth was surrounded by family and friends as he received his star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame on Wednesday.

The Furiosa: Mad Max Saga actor, 40, was joined by his wife Elsa Pataky, 47, and their three children, daughter India Rose, 12, and twins Sasha and Tristan, 10, as the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce honored him for his incredible contributions to films

The Furiosa: Mad Max Saga actor, 40, was joined by his wife Elsa Pataky, 47, and their three children, daughter India Rose, 12, and twins Sasha and Tristan, 10, as the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce honored him for his incredible contributions to films

In another snap, the adorable couple posed next to the Walk of Fame star with their twin sons, while India Rose opted out of the family photo.

The Hollywood Walk of Fame is an internationally renowned sidewalk attraction in Los Angeles and features star encrusted names of celebrities honored for their achievements in the entertainment industry.

Several other Australian and New Zealand actors received stars, including Nicole Kidman, Eric Bana, Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett and Simon Baker.

“We are proud to honor Hemsworth with a well-deserved star. Chris is known for his remarkable performances that have captivated audiences around the world,” read a statement from the organization.

“With his many fans, I’m sure his fellow Australians will be very pleased to know that we are adding another talented Australian to our iconic Walk of Fame.”

This comes after Hemsworth revealed on Saturday the surprising accessory he kept as a souvenir from the production of his upcoming film Mad Max: Furiosa.

He admitted that his villainous character, Dementus, rode a unique, heavily modified motorcycle in the film, which he kept after filming was completed.

“I don't know if I should admit it, I didn't steal it but I definitely said, 'It's coming with me,'” he said. The Daily Telegraph.

At one point during the ceremony, the handsome Australian leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on his wife Elsa.

At one point during the ceremony, the handsome Australian leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on his wife Elsa.

Elsa looked amazing in her white satin ensemble

Elsa looked amazing in her white satin ensemble

The adorable couple looked loved up on the red carpet

The adorable couple looked loved up on the red carpet

In another snap, the adorable couple posed next to the Walk of Fame star with their twins, while India Rose opted out of the family photo.

In another snap, the adorable couple posed next to the Walk of Fame star with their twins, while India Rose opted out of the family photo.

Sasha and Tristan helped their famous father keep his sunglasses on

Sasha and Tristan helped their famous father keep his sunglasses on

The boys leaned in to chat with their beloved mom.

The boys leaned in to chat with their beloved mom.

Sasha and Tristan received a visit from Iron Man Robert Downey Jr.

Sasha and Tristan received a visit from Iron Man Robert Downey Jr.

Chris' Furiosa co-star Anya Taylor-Joy put on a leggy display

Chris' Furiosa co-star Anya Taylor-Joy put on a leggy display

The actress stunned in a black leather ensemble as she posed alongside the handsome actor

The actress stunned in a black leather ensemble as she posed alongside the handsome actor

Chris' Marvel Pal Robert Downey Jr. Was Dressed to Impress in a Chic Black Suit

Chris' Marvel Pal Robert Downey Jr. Was Dressed to Impress in a Chic Black Suit

The stars shared a laugh before Robert gave a thumbs up

The stars shared a laugh before Robert gave a thumbs up

“I took the motorcycle I had in the film. It was equipped with a radial aircraft engine as the driving mechanism.

Hemsworth's evil character is seen riding this awesome motorcycle at various points in the latest Mad Max movie, which hits cinemas nationwide on Thursday, May 23.

He added that director George Miller crafted a brilliant cautionary tale that addressed several modern issues through a fictional lens.

“What’s remarkable about what George has done is being quite specific about the potential of what’s to come.”

Meanwhile, Chris asked his fans what happened to his perfect Hollywood teeth when he shared a video on Instagram on Tuesday.

George Miller, Chris, Anya and Doug Mitchell posed for a group photo

George Miller, Chris, Anya and Doug Mitchell posed for a group photo

The Australian star appeared in good spirits

The Australian star appeared in good spirits

Chris received an official certificate from the ceremony

Chris received an official certificate from the ceremony

Chris has been busy promoting his film Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, in theaters May 24.

Chris has been busy promoting his film Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, in theaters May 24.

Chris Hemsworth's fellow Avenger, Robert Downey Jr., was on hand to say a few words

Chris Hemsworth's fellow Avenger, Robert Downey Jr., was on hand to say a few words

Chris Hemsworth and Robert Downey Jr. pose at the premier's Walk of Fame ceremony

Chris Hemsworth and Robert Downey Jr. pose at the premier's Walk of Fame ceremony

Furiosa's Hemsworth co-star Anya Taylor-Joy was also at the festivities

Furiosa's Hemsworth co-star Anya Taylor-Joy was also at the festivities

Furiosa director George Miller also spoke at Chris Hemsworth's Walk of Fame ceremony.

Furiosa director George Miller also spoke at Chris Hemsworth's Walk of Fame ceremony.

Robert Downey Jr. poses with Chris Hemsworth's wife, Elsas Pataky

Robert Downey Jr. poses with Chris Hemsworth's wife, Elsas Pataky

The Australian hunk smiled at the camera while sitting in a makeup chair, his front teeth varying in length and out of place.

Luckily, it was all in the service of movie magic, as Chris was getting false teeth fitted behind the scenes on the set of Mad Max: Furiosa.

In the apocalyptic adventure film, the actor plays warlord Dementus, wearing a wig, fake facial hair and false teeth for the role.

He wrote in the caption alongside the clip: “The first makeup tests for Dr. Dementus were a lot of fun.”




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