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Chris Hemsworth – Hollywood Walk of Fame

Chris Hemsworth – Hollywood Walk of Fame



Actor Chris Hemsworth received the 2,781st star in the motion picture category on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday, May 23 at 11:30 a.m. PT at 6819 Hollywood Boulevard, in front of the Ovation Hollywood.

Chris HemsworthWHO | HONORED Chris Hemsworth

animator Ellen K, Walk of Fame Personality and iHeart Media

GUEST SPEAKERS Filmmaker George Miller and actor Robert Downey, Jr.

WHAT Dedication of the 2,781st star of the Hollywood Walk of Fame

WHEN Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. (Pacific Time)

OR 6819 Hollywood Boulevard, across from Ovation Hollywood

WATCH LIVE The event was streamed live exclusively on

Actor Chris Hemsworth received the 2,781st star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday, May 23 at 11:30 a.m. PT at 6819 Hollywood Boulevard, in front of the Ovation Hollywood. Hemsworth received his star in the Films category. Filmmaker George Miller and actor Robert Downey, Jr. joined host Ellen K as speakers.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce administers the legendary Hollywood Walk of Fame for the city of Los Angeles and has proudly hosted the world's iconic star ceremonies for decades. Millions of people from here and around the world have visited this cultural landmark since 1960.


“The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is proud to honor Chris Hemsworth with a well-deserved star. Chris is known for his remarkable performances that have captivated audiences around the world, said Ana Martinez, producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “With his many fans, I am sure his fellow Australians will be very happy to know that we are adding another talented Australian to our iconic Walk of Fame,” added Martinez.

Chris Hemsworth is one of the most popular and sought-after actors in Hollywood. After his huge success in the Marvel Universe franchise, Hemsworth once again teamed up with the Russo brothers for the Netflix original film.Extraction,write the history of the streaming service. Attracting 99 million viewers in the first four weeks alone, the film became the most-watched original film the streaming service has ever seen. Of the six Marvel and Global Avengers franchise films that Hemsworth starred in,Avengers: Endgameremains one of the highest-grossing films of all time, grossing over $2.7 billion worldwide. Introduced as Thor in the 2011 film of the same name directed by Kenneth Branagh, Hemsworth continued his legacy in Thor: Ragnarok andThor: Love and Thunderwith director Taika Waititi, and in the latest film he starred alongside an incredible cast including Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson, Melissa McCarthy, Chris Pratt, Russell Crowe and Matt Damon.

Most recently, Hemsworth was seen reprising his role as mercenary Tyler Rake in Extraction 2. The film was directed by Sam Hargrave and produced by Hemsworths multi-platform production company Wild State, which he launched in 2022 with producing partner Ben Grayson. Hemsworth also teamed up with Darren Aronofsky for National Geographic's Disney+ Original series, Limitless with Chris Hemsworth. The six-episode season was also part of Hemsworth's first-look deal through Wild State. As producer and star, the series tested Hemsworth's ability to push the limits of the human body, exploring the latest scientific research on health longevity. This year, Limitless with Chris Hemsworth was renewed for a second season, which it recently completed production on. Hemsworth will next be seen in the highly anticipated George Miller Mad Max prequel, Angry: A Mad Max sagafor Warner Bros. He stars alongside Anya Taylor-Joy in the film, which is scheduled for national release on May

Born and raised in Australia, where he began his acting career, Hemsworth made his American film debut in the hit JJ Abrams film.Star Trek,playing the central role of George Kirk. Hemsworth's multifaceted career includes starring roles in Spider head; Snow White and the Hunter, facing Charlize Theron; the prequel, THE Huntsman: Winter's War; And Men in Black: International. Hemsworth flexed his comedic muscles in ghost hunters And Vacation. He starred in Ron Howard's real-life dramaRushing,playing famous Formula 1 driver James Hunt and collaborated with him again on the dramaIn the Heart of the Sea.He also had leading roles in12 Strong And Bad times at the El Royale.

As a respected personality in the health and fitness space, Hemsworth launched CENTR, a personalized digital health and fitness program, in February 2019. The app brings together the best team of hand-picked, internationally renowned experts. panel, including elite trainers, celebrity chefs, meditation teachers and wellness mentors, to help users achieve their ultimate fitness goals.

An active philanthropist, Hemsworth supports the Australian Childhood Foundation and is passionate about ocean conservation.




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