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What's Hanging on City Walls – Boulder Daily Camera

What's Hanging on City Walls – Boulder Daily Camera


Rock area

15th Street Gallery: Featuring lithographs by Santa Fe artist Rodney Carswell; open by appointment only; 1708 15th Street, Boulder;

Ana's Art Gallery: Art by local, African and Caribbean artists; noon-5 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday; 1100 Spruce Street, Boulder;

Art and Soul Gallery:1615 Pearl Street, Boulder;

Artistic pieces: Nonprofit creative reuse center offering arts and crafts supplies; 3080 Valmont Street, Boulder;

International art source: Old maps, engravings and vintage posters; 1237 Pearl St., Boulder;

Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art: “Tracking Time,” a two-person exhibition featuring recently commissioned works by painter Noelle Phares and multidisciplinary artist Chelsea Kaiah, through September 2; the outdoor sculpture “Albedo Effect” by Mia Mulvay, until June; 1750 13th Street, Boulder;

BMoCA at Frasier: “Reverie,” by Brain Comber, a collection of watercolors and prints that showcase the dynamism of nature and the excitement of the botanical renaissance, through August 18; 350 Ponca Place, Boulder;

Canyon Theater and Gallery: “Waldorf Education: Learning to Change the World,” a celebration of child development through art, through Wednesday on the Arapahoe Ramp; “Little Gay (Vegan and Goofy) Four Panel Love Comics,” artist Will Betke-Brunswick’s comics feature queer love in Boulder through small, uplifting moments, through June 30; “The Beauty and Complexity of Our Microscopic World,” photographs by Joseph Dragavon, through July 28 at Reynolds Branch; “Unchained Voices: Liminal Presents and Futures,” an annual public art exhibition featuring the works of incarcerated artists in Colorado, through June 22; Main Library, 1001 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder;

Dairy Arts Center: “Steadfast into Spring,” by Sarah Kelly, a collection of abstract art that speaks to resilience, renewal and the unwavering spirit of growth, through June 9; “UndocuAmerica: Reclaiming Our Presence,” art that centers the stories of undocumented community members through a wide variety of media, including photography, illustration, film and animation, through July 14; “Shakti: The Source of Strength,” by Bala Thiagarajan, a series of portraits by the artist that captures the essence of Indian women as sources of strength, beautifully embodying the concept of Shakti, through July 14; “In Search of Personal Icons,” by Sangeeta Reddy, until July 14; “Windows, Walls and Invisible Lines: Portraits of Life in the Sanctuary,” by Joel Dyer, through July 14; “Stone and Wood Sculptures,” works by Bryan Valdez Redmoon, until June 9; 2590 Walnut Street, Boulder;

East window: “Are you ok? A Trans Survival Project”, photography by Jesse Freidin, until June 22; “SALAF”, a series of visual portraits by Nouf Aljowaysir, who is interested in AI, until July 27 ; 4550 Broadway, suite C-3B2, Boulder;

Eldorado Springs Art Center: Art gallery and sculpture garden at the foot of the hills; 8 Chesebro Way, Eldorado Springs;

The gallery at the bus stop: “Contemplative Circles,” by Bala Thiagarajan, showcasing his recent contemporary mandala-shaped artworks, until May 31; 4895 N. Broadway, Boulder;

Jones HiFi Studio and Gallery: Pop culture art mashups made from recovered vinyl and books by Jonathan Hanst; 209 E. Simpson St., Lafayette;

Louisville Arts Association: National Photography Fair 2024, until June 2. Prize giving ceremony Friday at 6 p.m.; Louisville Arts Center, 801 Grant Ave., Louisville;

Messinger Gallery: Exhibition of abstract paintings with Mark Villarreal; Messinger Gallery at the Boulder JCC, 6007 Oreg Ave., Boulder;

Boulder Museum: “Proclaiming Colorado’s Black History” highlights the history of Colorado’s Black culture through September 2025; “Still: Moments in Time,” oil paintings by Jennifer Hohlfelder and Cindi Yaklich that evoke storytelling through still life and figurative works, through June 17; 2205 Broadway, Boulder;

Naropa University Art Galleries: Nalanda Campus, 6287 Arapahoe Ave. : The Cube Gallery presents local and international artists; The Nalanda Gallery hosts guest artists and student exhibitions, the Lounge Gallery is student-run. Arapahoe Campus, 2130 Arapahoe Ave. : The Lincoln Gallery features local and regional artists. Paramita Campus, 3285 30th St.: Paramita Gallery presents works in all mediums by regional artists;

NoBo Art Center: “Wander & Wax,” by Sam Hauser, studies the moon and its cycles with vibrant oil paint and delicate silk, through June 2; 4929 Broadway, #E, Boulder;

Art gallery details: Spring 6×6 Community Art Exhibition, through May 31; May's featured artist is Linda Bice and her soft pastel paintings; 401 S. public road, Lafayette;

Phil Lewis Art: From T-shirts to custom snowboards, prints and laser engraving, the work of these visionary artists is displayed and sold; 2034 Pearl Street, Unit 102, Boulder;

Rembrandt Court: Indigenous, local and national art; 1301 Spruce Street, Boulder;

Shark Ink: Enrique Chagoya's lithograph, Life on the Edge of Language, examines the different types of walls between people; 550 Blue Mountain Road, Lyon;

SmithKlein Gallery: New works by Craig Mooney, semi-abstract landscapes inspired by his environment; 1116 Pearl St., Boulder;

CU Art Museum: “Lush Prolific Nature” brings together artwork that depicts the natural world, through June; The installation “We CU: A Visual Celebration of Black Womanhood, Presence, and Connectedness” invites visitors to reflect on the profound impact that Black women have had on the design of the concept of home, both as physical space and as a metaphorical sanctuary of strength. resilience and cultural wealth, until July 13; 1085 18th Street, Boulder;

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History: Various galleries focusing on natural and human history include: Discovery Corner, hands-on activities for children, BioLounge, McKenna Gallery, and Anthropology Hall, which houses a bank of ancient stone tools found in Boulder; CU Boulder Henderson Building, 15th and Broadway, Boulder;

University of Colorado Libraries: The exhibition No Boundaries: Women Transforming the World highlights the role of women in cartography past and present, on view through May; 9 a.m., Jerry Crail Johnson Earth Sciences & Map Library (Benson Earth Sciences Building), 2200 Colorado Ave., Boulder; free;

For advice on opportunities, grant information and arts news, visit Arts Alliance of Boulder County has

Longmont area

Fire Station Art Center: “Mother Lasting,” by Irene Delka McCray, through July 7; 667 Fourth Avenue, Longmont;

The big frame: St. Vrain Photographic Society art exhibit, through June 8; 430 Main Street, Longmont;

Longmont Museum: “Crisis to Camaraderie: The 2013 Flood Photo Exhibit,” an exhibition of community-taken photographs of the 2013 flood, its aftermath and recovery in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of this extreme weather event, up to fall 2024; 400 Quail Road, Longmont;

Osmosis Gallery: “Art in Layers,” screenprints and encaustics by Ashton Lacy Jones; 290 Second Avenue, Niwot;

Nut gallery: Works by more than 50 artists, working in a wide range of media, are on display; 364 Main Street, Longmont;

Northern Colorado

Estes Park Art Center: “Color & Shape,” watercolor by Cynthia Price Reedy and pastel and lithographs by Tim Diffender, until June 3; 517 Big Thompson Avenue, Estes Park;

Columbine Gallery: More than 800 pieces from the National Sculpture Guild adorn a garden with local paintings displayed inside; 2683 N. Taft Ave., Loveland;

Independence Gallery: Lively gallery featuring local artists and rotating exhibitions; 233 E. 4th Street, Loveland;

Lincoln Gallery: Art gallery featuring works by members of the Thompson Valley Art League; 429 Lincoln Avenue, Loveland;

Lone Tree Antiques and Fine Art Gallery: Features Native American art, jewelry and artifacts, Pueblo pottery, beadwork and more; 115 1st Street, Eaton;

Loveland Museum: “Patterns of Power,” Amy Joy Hosterman studies clay and its role in the natural cycles of the earthly world, through Saturday; “Amache Today,” Phillip Tigges’ black-and-white photographs honor his parents and other incarcerated Japanese Americans who lived in Amache during World War II, through June 9; “Thompson Art Teacher Group Avant-Garde Art Teacher Exhibition,” through June 23; “Governor’s Art Exhibition and Sale,” until June 9; 503 N. Lincoln Ave., Loveland;

Did we miss your exhibition? Please email [email protected] with “art listings” in the subject line.




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