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Brooke Shields elected president of Actors Capital

Brooke Shields elected president of Actors Capital


Actor Brooke Shields has been elected president of the Actors' Equity Association, the union announced.

Shields took the lead in a three-way race, beating out stage manager Erin Maureen Koster and actor Wydetta Carter. Actors' Equity represents 51,000 actors and managers.

Shields succeeds Kate Shindle as president, who announced in April that she would not seek reelection when her nine-year term ends on May 23. Shindle said she will remain active in the labor movement, but now intends to focus on resuming her acting role. career, noting that the unpaid position of president left her with so little time to act that she had not been able to accumulate enough professional hours to qualify for Equity health insurance.

Shields' victory was confirmed this morning by Equity, which announced the results of the 2024 officer and councilor election. A total of 45 council seats spread across the three regions and representing four categories (lead actor, backing vocalist , manager and general) have been filled, with immediate effect. All terms are four years unless otherwise noted.

In addition to Shields, the 2024 leaders include Rashaan James II, elected Eastern Regional Vice President; Sarah LaBarr, elected vice-president of the Central region, without opposition. Jeffrey Landman was elected Western Regional Vice President, unopposed. All leaders were elected for a four-year term.

In announcing his candidacy for president in April, Shields said, “I felt it was my responsibility to step up, I want to lead with strength.” I want to lead with intelligence, with compassion and passion. And of course, a little humor, always… I've been in the trenches with you and you've always had my back. And I'm here to tell you that I support you.

Shields comes to this position with no experience in union leadership, but he has been working since he was a child. She appeared on Broadway in Grease, Chicago, Cabaret, Wonderful City And The Addams Family.

In addition to the national elections, the following candidates were elected to regional positions:

In the Eastern region:

The following candidates were elected to a four-year term as Eastern Region Senior Advisor:

  • Jeff Blumenkrantz
  • Jennifer Cody
  • Jacqueline Jarrold
  • Claire Karpen
  • Austin Ku
  • Jeffrey Omura
  • Kelly Overbey
  • Kate Shindle
  • Nancy Slusser
  • Richard Topol

Michele Ragusa was elected to a two-year term as senior advisor for the Eastern region.

The following candidates were elected to a four-year term as Eastern Regional Choir Advisor:

  • Belinda Allyn
  • Holly Ann Butler
  • Rebecca Kim Jordan
  • Nikka Graff Lanzarone
  • Melissa Hunter McCann
  • T. Shyvonne Stewart

Ryan Rodiño was elected to a two-year term as Eastern Regional Choir Advisor.

The following candidates were elected for a four-year term as Eastern regional administrator advisor:

  • Anne McPherson
  • Rebecca McBee
  • Peter Royston

The following candidates were elected to a four-year term as Eastern Region At-Large Councilor:

  • Tamara Anderson
  • Logan Benoit
  • Leslie Sears

In the Central region:

The following candidates were elected to a four-year term as Central Region Senior Advisor:

  • Rebecca Prescott
  • Colin Sphar
  • Nikki Switzerland

The following candidate was elected without opposition and considered elected for a four-year term as central regional councilor:

The following candidate was unopposed and considered elected to a four-year term as Central Region At-Large Councilor:

In the Western region:

The following candidates were elected to a four-year term as Western Region Senior Advisor:

  • Ry Armstrong
  • Michael Bell
  • Kate Burton
  • Barbara Callander
  • Josh Grisetti
  • Kwana AL Martinez

The following candidates were elected to a two-year term as Western Region Senior Advisor:

  • Brian Herndon
  • Cynthia Marty
  • Gregory North

Juliane Godfrey was unopposed and was considered elected to a four-year term as Western Regional Councilor.

David S. Cohen was unopposed and was considered for election to a four-year term as Western Regional Trustee.

Michelle Dunn was unopposed and considered elected to a four-year term as Western Region At-Large Councilor.




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