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The Movie Guru: Furiosa packs an emotional punch, while The Garfield Movie is boring and generic.

The Movie Guru: Furiosa packs an emotional punch, while The Garfield Movie is boring and generic.


“Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” takes fans of the film series through the origin of the renegade warrior Furiosa.
Warner Bros./Courtesy photo

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (in theaters)

A really good prequel requires a delicate balance.

We know this can't solve everything since we were here for the mess at the start of the next movie, but it should allow the central characters to accomplish something. It should tell us more about the characters we already know, enough to deepen or change our feelings about the original film. Ideally, this should make us want to watch the original film again.

“Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga,” which tells the story of Charlize Theron’s character in “Mad Max: Fury Road,” describes each of these points. There's a compelling character arc that beautifully showcases both Furiosa's character and everything that happens in “Fury Road,” answering a ton of questions and expanding on everything we know about her.

It's satisfying in its own right, leaving you with a feeling of resolution and accomplishment that makes the original film even more necessary. It's a dark and largely sad story, as fans of other “Mad Max” films already know, but if you already love this universe, then this is an essential entry.

The film covers over a decade of Furiosa's life, giving it a slightly episodic quality that offers small, satisfying stories in service of the larger one. Lots of terrible things happen, although Anya Taylor-Joy and Alyla Browne as young Furiosa make it clear that our heroine has been a fighter from the very beginning.

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Even though we have a pretty good idea of ​​what's coming, it's impossible to look away. No prequel could ask for anything more.

Grade: Three and a half stars

The Garfield Movie (in theaters)

The reason why the Super Mario Bros. movie. from last year worked so well is that the people who made it clearly loved the characters. You could feel that love in every scene, and audience members who loved the characters responded in droves.

I'm not sure anyone who made “The Garfield Movie” spent any real time with Garfield. Yes, there are some scattered discussions of Garfield's love of food, laziness, and lasagna, but most of the film is entirely generic and forgettable. The creators have had years of special comics and animated films to work with, with a cast of beloved characters and a unique deadpan feel cherished by fans, but there's almost no trace of any of that in this film. You could replace the main character with any animated pet and it would make almost no difference to the movie.

After an introduction to establish laziness and overeating, the film kidnaps Garfield and Odie and abruptly introduces Garfield's absent criminal father. He then sends them on a random adventure involving stealing milk to pay off his father's debt to a feline crime boss. Amidst all of this are moments of bonding between Garfield and his father, and a single running gag that accounts for almost all of Jon's screen time.

While there are moments early on that almost feel like the old animated series, most of it feels like every B-grade animated movie made since the mid-2000s. It used to be the kind of movie which was released directly on DVD and kept the little children busy in the afternoon.

Both Garfield and his fans deserve better.

Grade: One and a half stars

Jenniffer Wardell is an award-winning film critic and member of the Denver Film Critics Society. Find her on Twitter at @wardellwriter or message her at [email protected].




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