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Arvind Kejriwal's Bollywood Debut: Latest Political Drama

Arvind Kejriwal's Bollywood Debut: Latest Political Drama


In a desperate attempt to gain sympathy and divert attention from the Swati Maliwal assault case, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal resorted to a theatrical performance, shamelessly exploiting his elderly and ailing parents. Arvind Kejriwal, known for his melodramatic antics, has taken his political stance to an even lower level, dragging his frail parents into the limelight and using them as pawns in his blame-shifting game. Arvind Kejriwal stoops to a new low!

On Thursday, Kejriwal staged a grand performance, appealing to Prime Minister Narendra Modi not to involve his parents in their ongoing feud. With exaggerated concern, he spoke of their advanced age and poor health, saying his 85-year-old father and 76-year-old mother, recently hospitalized, were targets of Delhi police in the Swati assault Maliwal. case.

A desperate plea or a calculated move?

Kejriwal's plea reeked of desperation, as he tried to divert attention from the serious allegations leveled against his aide, Bibhav Kumar, who is accused of physically assaulting AAP Rajya Sabha MP Maliwal. In a theatrical display of filial devotion, Kejriwal questioned the Prime Minister: “Do you think they did something wrong? Why are the cops questioning them?

Exploiting elderly parents for political purposes

The Delhi chief minister's actions amounted to blatant exploitation of his elderly parents, using their frailty as a shield from scrutiny. Kejriwal, known for his divisive politics, skillfully played the victim card, attempting to generate sympathy and deflect attention from allegations of violence within his own party.

The truth behind the theater

However, the truth behind Kejriwal's dramatic performance is far from the façade of the worried son he portrays. Moreover, according to reports, the Delhi Police had no immediate plans to question Kejriwal's parents, suggesting that the chief minister's claims were nothing more than a publicity stunt.

A recurring pattern of melodrama

This is not the first time that Kejriwal has resorted to such theatrical antics. Throughout his political career, he repeatedly resorted to melodramatic tactics, ranging from orchestrated arrests to hunger strikes, in an attempt to portray himself as a martyr and distract from his party's shortcomings. .

Arvind Kejriwal's latest act of dragging his elderly parents into the political spotlight is a shameful display of opportunism and blatant disregard for the dignity of his own family members. Instead of responding to the serious allegations against his aide with transparency and accountability, he chose to exploit his parents' vulnerabilities for his own political gain. Therefore, the people of Delhi deserve better than this cheap theater and deserve a leader who prioritizes governance over demagoguery.




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