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Hollywood Brown could be eyeing a serious payday for the Kansas City Chiefs

Hollywood Brown could be eyeing a serious payday for the Kansas City Chiefs


One of the biggest and only external free agent signings the Kansas City Chiefs made this offseason was the addition of wide receiver Marquise “Hollywood” Brown in mid-March. It was a huge boost to an otherwise stagnant and stale front office that Patrick Mahomes elevated to Super Bowl champion status last season.

Now, after an offseason filled with woes on the offensive line as well as major issues facing second-year stud Rashee Rice, it's Brown who looks like Kansas City's standout receiver (at least for the duration of the season). likely suspension of Rice). Due to Rice's situation, it's likely that Brown will take the WR1 snaps for most of that time, which could mean a huge payday for the new receiver.

With Brown's contract officially signed and the former Cardinal and Raven officially wearing a Chiefs jersey with the number five on the front, the incentives that are part of his one-year, $7 million contract raised their eyebrows.

That $7,000,000 already goes to Brown no matter how many games he plays or touchdowns he throws, but there's an additional $4 million in incentives that can very easily be hit by losing Rice on the other side of the field and the aging talent. at the TE1 position to Travis Kelce.

First, if Brown plays 45% of the offensive snaps, he will receive a $500,000 bonus and an additional $125,000 if that snap percentage increases to 52.5%. Scaling it up even further, if Brown is able to play 60% of the snaps, that's an additional $125,000. Finally, if Brown can stay healthy and be on the field for 75% of snaps, that's $750,000 in his bank account.

For reference, Brown played less than 60% of the offensive snaps during his rookie season and his rookie season alone (58%). Over the past four seasons, he has played at least 78% of snaps, with the most coming in his best season (2021) when he played 924 snaps. However, that season he was on the field for 80% of the snaps, which was less than his two seasons in Arizona where he saw 91% and 85% of the snaps despite injuries and a poor offense affecting his time in as a Cardinal.

But it's not just an instant percentage that can help Brown buy more diamonds and real estate. If Brown can rack up 500 receiving yards, then the Chiefs will throw half a million into his bank account, with another $125,000 if he hits 625 receiving yards. It's important to remember that Brown topped 500 receiving yards in all five of his seasons as a receiver, and he had over 625 in three of those seasons (2020-22).

Of course, the price increases with more receiving yards, adding $125,000 for 750 receiving yards during the season (something he did twice) and $750,000 for 1,000 receiving yards that he eclipsed in his third season in Baltimore when he had 91 catches for 1,008 yards.

Finally, the main reason Brown was brought in was the touchdown aspect, something he did well in with competent quarterback play. In Baltimore, he averaged seven touchdowns per season, but that number dropped to 3.5 during his two seasons in Arizona.

Fast forward to this upcoming season and there are plenty of reasons for him to do so. somewhat celebrating his teammate who made bad decisions during the offseason. Because without Rice to take away targets and touchdowns from him, it will be much easier for Brown to reach at least five touchdowns, which would add half a million dollars to his salary at the end of the season.

One more touchdown (six) and another quarter million added to the total. And finally, if he can throw seven touchdowns as a Chief in his first season, he'll bring in an additional $250,000, which would total $1,000,000 with touchdowns alone.

Brown's best seasons both came in Baltimore, with his sophomore year having 8 touchdowns and 965 total receiving yards (playoffs included). The following season saw more yards (1,008) but fewer touchdowns (six), with somehow No Pro Bowl nominations coming each year.

So, could this be the year he breaks the 1,000-yard mark again? It might be a lot easier without Rice, with a less trustworthy Kadarius Toney and with 34-year-old Kelce all taking targets away from him on a one-year deal to prove it.

Personally, I hope he earns the full $4,000,000 in incentives because it will show that general manager Brett Veach and head coach Andy Reid did their homework in signing the five-year veteran.

And don't forget, Brown will be playing against his former team the Ravens on Week 1 “Banner Night”, which is even more incentive to go out and start the season strong!




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