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Spouse of mother killed for killing actor Laila Khan and 5 members of her family in 2011 | News from India

Spouse of mother killed for killing actor Laila Khan and 5 members of her family in 2011 |  News from India


MUMBAI: Considering the 'unprovoked and unjustified' elimination of an entire family of six as extremely grotesque, revolting, barbaric, savage and cold-blooded, a sessions court On Friday, a 48-year-old man from J&K was convicted Parvez Tak to death for the 2011 murders of his partner, Shelina Patel, his four children, including actress Laila Khan, and a niece.
“The act of the accused resulted in the elimination of the entire family of the deceased Shelina Patel. The act was without justification or provocation. The murders certainly involved exceptional depravity on the part of the accused. The act of the accused is not only barbaric but also inhumane to the highest degree. The offense has certainly shocked the collective conscience of the society. Therefore, in my opinion, the case falls into the category of. rarest of the rarest cases“, said Justice Sachin Balvant Pawar. In a 250-page judgment, the sessions court observed that while the motive was not clearly established, the fact that the victims were last seen alive in company of Tak a day before their murder constituted irrefutable evidence to conclude that he was involved in the crime.
Opening the judgement, the judge said the case highlighted a totally barbaric act by a human being in a modern civilized society. “…having regard to the scale and enormity of the crime as well as the appalling nature of the offence, in my opinion the accused is liable to the maximum penalty…as the imposition of imprisonment life would not be the appropriate punishment to serve the cause of justice… I come to the conclusion that the accused deserves to be given the sentence death sentence“, concluded the judge.
On May 9, the judge had found Tak guilty of murder and destruction of evidence and adjourned the case to hear arguments on the quantum of sentence. The six bodies were discovered a year after the murder, buried in a pit at their farm in Igatpuri. The case was filed after Laila, her mother Shelina, siblings Azmina, Imran and Zara and cousin Reshma Khan went missing from Mumbai in February 2011, after which her biological father Nadir Shah Patel filed a missing complaint with the Oshiwara police. The 41 witnesses were questioned by BJP Mumbai North-Central Lok Sabha candidate Ujjwal Nikam, who resigned as special prosecutor in the case just days before the verdict was delivered.
Accepting new prosecutor Pankaj Chavan's arguments that the case fell under the “rarest of rare” category, an essential element for handing down the death penalty, the judge also said Tak had stayed with the victims as member of the family for a considerable period and had been in a position of dominance and trust. “He committed the offense by taking advantage of said position. This is certainly one of the aggravating circumstances,” said the judge.
The judge added that the execution of this act indicates that these were cold-blooded murders, after which the accused coldly and meticulously planned the examination of evidence, which remained unnoticed for almost 17 months.




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