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How Ambedkarite and Gandhian vision evolved together. Jahnvi Kapoor discusses Indian history; Internet users react

How Ambedkarite and Gandhian vision evolved together.  Jahnvi Kapoor discusses Indian history;  Internet users react


Bollywood actor Jahnvi Kapoor has expressed her fascination at the idea of ​​witnessing a debate between Mahatma Gandhi and Bhimrao Ambedkar, saying it would be a very interesting speech.

In an interview with LallantopJahnvi Kapoor revealed her curiosity about how the ideologies of Ambedkar and Gandhi influenced each other and evolved in tandem.

Jhanvi said Lallantop, Debate between what they represent and how the views of Ambedkar Saheb and Gandhi Saheb have changed on a particular subject. They both helped a lot in our society. I want to know what they think of each other, and I think it would be a very interesting speech.”

She added that Ambedkar was very stern and clear at first, but Gandhi's views continued to evolve as he was exposed…”

The issue of casteism in our society is very different when seen from a third person perspective, and it makes a significant difference in the way we live our lives,” she noted.

The interviewer also speculated on the topics Gandhi and Ambedkar might have discussed before reaching the Poona Pact agreement.”

Poona Pact

In a deal negotiated with Gandhi, Ambedkar agreed to allow depressed class candidates to be elected through a common electorate.

However, he insisted on reserving just over twice as many seats (147) for the disadvantaged classes in the legislature compared to what had been allocated under the Communal Prize.

Also Read: Why We Need To Adopt Ambedkar's Tactics To Fight Enemies

Moreover, the Poona Pact ensured equitable representation of the backward classes in public services and allocated part of the educational allocation for their improvement.

Internet users react

A post on Reddit sharing Jahnvi Kapoor's video received 205 upvotes and 65 comments.

One person wrote: It's good for her to talk about casteism which is like an invisible ghost in society. Most people practice it but never talk about it openly. »

Reacting to the video posted on Reddit, one user wrote: Damn, I didn't expect her to be so intrigued by the social structure of the country. Damn, I still can’t believe what I just heard, good, good.”

Netizens react to Jahnvi Kapoor's viral video talking about Ambedkar and Gandhi.

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Netizens react to Jahnvi Kapoor's viral video talking about Ambedkar and Gandhi.

However, others wrote: “I thought she was doing it because she didn't know any better, but she clearly doesn't want to be asked more questions on the subject of Ambedkar's disagreements and of Gandhis on the caste system, because people might think that she sides with one point of view over the other. It's also good for her to talk about it. We don't talk enough about the caste system despite its prevalence in our culture. I think it's cool that she knows about it and seems to lean towards Ambedkar's ideology on the issue (she doesn't say it explicitly but that's how it comes across in her language).”

Netizens react to Jahnvi Kapoor's viral video talking about Ambedkar and Gandhi.

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Netizens react to Jahnvi Kapoor's viral video talking about Ambedkar and Gandhi.

Kudos to Janhvi for speaking on such a controversial topic in such a heated political environment where our thinking has somehow been focused on your religion and I feel like once the issue “Religion is settled, they can push the minority below the minority line, they might start triggering casteism too, really surprised to see that,” said another user.

Someone wrote: “Honestly, that was a good answer – she seems knowledgeable. »

What is the debate between Gandhi and Ambedkar?

Gandhi, championing the concept of varnashrama dharma, believed in the idea of ​​the upliftment of the Harijan “through moral persuasion and social reform within the framework of traditional Hindu society. He stressed the importance of eradicating untouchability through self-purification and personal transformation, urging Harijans (Dalits) to be included in Hindu society.

Also read: The time has come for another global Gandhian moment

In contrast, Ambedkar, a staunch critic of caste-based discrimination and oppression, rejected Gandhi's approach as ineffective and insufficient. He advocated for the annihilation of castes, pleading for radical social and political reforms to dismantle the hierarchical caste system. Ambedkar stressed the need for constitutional guarantees and affirmative action measures, including reservations for Dalits, to ensure their social, political and economic empowerment.

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Published: May 25, 2024, 09:42 IST




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