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Anasuya Sengupta creates history and becomes the first Indian actor to win the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival | Bollywood News

Anasuya Sengupta creates history and becomes the first Indian actor to win the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival |  Bollywood News
Anasuya Sengupta creates history and becomes the first Indian actor to win the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival |  Bollywood News


The 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival was quite eventful for India. Apart from Manthan by Shyam Benegal which will benefit from a special screening at the festival after almost 48 years of its release and several celebrities and influencers turn heads on the red carpet, Indian films and actors were nominated in several categories at the festival. Now, an Indian actor has won big at Cannes 2024.

Calcutta native Anasuya Sengupta won the Un Certain Regard Award for Best Actress for her performance in The Shameless. The film, directed and written by Bulgarian filmmaker Konstantin Bojanov, revolves around Renuka, played by Anasuya, who escapes from a Delhi brothel after killing a policeman. The film also stars Renuka's love interest Omara Shetty.

Anasuya, with her victory, made history by becoming the first Indian woman to win this award.

In an interview with The Kolkata, Anasuya recalled her reaction when she learned that her film was listed in the Un Certain Regard section of Cannes. She said: “I received the news when Konstantin sent me a link to the press conference announcing the official Cannes selections. When the name of our film was announced, I jumped out of my chair with ecstasy!

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In addition to Anasuya, two Indian films, Sunflowers Were the First to Know and Bunnyhood, won first and third place respectively in the La Cinef Selection at Cannes this year.

While Sunflowers Were the First to Know is a Kannada short film directed by Chidananda Naik, a student at the Film and Television Institute of India, Bunnnyhood is directed by Mansi Maheshwari. She hails from Meerut in Uttar Pradesh and studied in the United Kingdom.

Chidananda Naik, who took inspiration for the film from a popular folk tale, told The Hindu: “My dream has been to transform the myths and folk tales of India into cinematic experiences, and with such richness stories to tell, this bite-sized film is the perfect place to start. The film was shot in four days. Meanwhile, Maheshwari reveals that the idea for Bunnyhood came from an incident from her childhood, where her mother lied about an appendix operation she had to undergo.

“I've always had a hard time understanding why people feel the need to lie and its consequences. The story of my appendix surgery was the perfect choice to explore this theme,” said Maheshwari in an interview with Director’s Note.

The 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival ends on May 25.

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