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Meet Chhaya Kadam, the Laapataa Ladies actor who has 2 films at Cannes Film Festival this year Bollywood

Meet Chhaya Kadam, the Laapataa Ladies actor who has 2 films at Cannes Film Festival this year Bollywood


Chhaya Kadam is receiving widespread praise for her role in Payal Kapadia's All We Imagine As Light at the 77th Cannes Film Festival. The actress was overcome with emotion when she received a standing ovation at the prestigious international film festival. However, Chhaya has already played many diverse roles in Hindi and Marathi cinema, which showcases her versatility as an artist. An overview of his beginnings and his best works. (Also read: Cannes Film Festival 2024: here's what international critics are saying about the Indian film All We Imagine As Light)

Chhaya Kadam recently received a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival.
Chhaya Kadam recently received a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival.

The humble beginnings of Chhaya Kadam

Chhaya was born into a middle-class family in Kalina, a suburb in central Mumbai. She attended Sathaye College, Vile Parle, where she played kabaddi at the state level and completed her diploma in textile design. Chhaya was passionate about theater from a young age and performed on stage throughout high school and college. His first play was Zulva by Waman Kendre. His first film Baimanus (2010) was never released.

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Sairat (2016)

Chhaya played the character of Suman Akka in Nagraj Manjule's Sairat (2016). She was nominated in the Best Supporting Actress category at the Filmfare Awards Marathi and Maharashtracha Favorite Kon.

Naked (2018)

Chhaya won the Maharashtra State Film Awards trophy in the Best Supporting Actress category for Nude. The actress was praised for her performance in Ravi Jadhav's social drama.

Gangubai Kathiawadi (2022)

Remember Chhaya in the song Dholida? The only woman who dances in a carefree way that surprises Alia's Gangu? The actor essayed a central character in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Gangubai Kathiawadi. She played the role of Rashmibai in Alia Bhatt starrer based on the book Mafia Queens of Mumbai written by S. Hussain Zaidi.

Laapataa Ladies (2024)

Chhaya rose to fame with her portrayal of Manju Mai in Kiran Rao's Laapataa Ladies. Although not the central character, Chhaya's Manju Mai plays a major role in the progression of the story. Manju Mai, an independent tea stall owner, has many words to say about women's financial freedom and societal taboos that symbolize gender bias.

Madgaon Express (2024)

Chhaya ones raises the bar even higher in Kunal Khemu's debut film, Madgaon Express. She plays a dangerous criminal called Kanchan Kombdi in the dark comedy.

Chhaya Kadam reacts to her Cannes debut

Chhaya recently reacted to her Cannes debut and said, “I am very happy. It's a beautiful moment in my life and I'm enjoying it without thinking too much about what's next.




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