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Hollywood heavyweights mourn late 'Super Size Me' director Morgan Spurlock

Hollywood heavyweights mourn late 'Super Size Me' director Morgan Spurlock


Hollywood pays tribute to Morgan Spurlock, the director of Super Size Me, who died Thursday at the age of 53 from complications of cancer.

Devastated to learn of the passing of my friend and colleague Morgan Spurlock, Academy Award winner Alex Gibney, who directed Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room and Taxi to the Dark Side, wrote Friday on X, formerly Twitter. Requirescat in pace.

I am saddened to hear of the passing of Morgan Spurlock, wrote Al Jeanlongtime writer and executive producer of The Simpsons.

A very talented, funny and brilliant man and a true friend of @TheSimpsons, he added. A great loss.

Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck's documentarian Brett Morgen shared similar sentiments.

Morgan Spurlock achieved what most artists only dream of: he truly changed the world with his art, Morgen wrote. He was an extraordinary father, brother, friend and one of the most important and influential filmmakers of my time. My heart breaks for his family and friends.

Spurlock helped change the fast food industry when the 2004 Oscar-nominated documentary Super Size Me chronicled the effects of eating only at McDonald's for 30 days, pushed restaurants to adapt their menus.

Saddened to learn of the passing of director and friend Morgan Spurlock, Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos wrote on Instagram. At only 53 years old, he still had a lot to do. He was a true force in the documentary world, attracting wider audiences and raising the profile of independent documentary film.

Morgan Spurlock died Thursday of complications from cancer.
Morgan Spurlock died Thursday of complications from cancer.

Chris Pizzello/Associated Press

After Super Size Me, Spurlock tackled politics with Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden? and the impact of product placement with The Greatest Movie Ever Sold. He then returned to the subject that made him a star with Super Size Me 2 in 2017.

Amid the #MeToo movement that year, Spurlock spoke about past instances in which he had been accused of sexual misconduct. He said that he was surprised at college to learn that a sexual partner had accused him of rape and that he had already settled a sexual harassment allegation in a separate incident.

I'm part of the problem. We all are, he wrote at the time. But I am also part of the solution. By recognizing and openly admitting what I did to make this terrible situation worse, I hope to foster change within myself.

In 2019, he reflected about these confessions, saying: For me, there was a moment of realization as someone who speaks the truth and someone who has made it his duty to try to do what is right and to recognize that I could do better in my own life. .

In the months before his death, the father of two reportedly finalized a divorce with producer Sara Bernstein.




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