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Gala attendees boo and leave gala after Ari Emanuel calls for Netanyahu's ouster

Gala attendees boo and leave gala after Ari Emanuel calls for Netanyahu's ouster


Hollywood super-agent Ari Emanuel this week called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be ousted, condemning him for not seeking more peaceful solutions to the war in Gaza following Hamas' horrific attack on the Jewish state on July 7. october.

Israel will never be truly safe with Bibi Netanyahu in charge, the CEO of Endeavor Group Holdings said while accepting an award from the Simon Wiesenthal Center on Wednesday.

For the sake of Israel, he should leave, Emanuel added.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must find more “peaceful” solutions to deal with Hamas terrorists, says Ari Emanuel. AMIR COHEN-PISCINE/SIPA/Shutterstock

The shocking remarks drew applause and boos from attendees at the Beverly Hills gala, and some walked out as Emanuel accepted the Jewish organization's Humanitarian Award, its highest honor, according to the New York Times.

Netanyahu does not want a peaceful solution, Emanuel said. And it is becoming clear that achieving a political solution and keeping Netanyahu in power are irreconcilable paths.

As for his responsibility to ensure the security of the people of Israel and Jews around the world, he has clearly failed spectacularly, he said. “But he managed to use division to stay in power.

The audience at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel included an array of other entertainment giants, including Larry David, Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne The Rock Johnson, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Considered one of Hollywood's most vocal executives, Emanuel two years ago called on companies to end their ties to Kayne West after the rapper made anti-Semitic comments.

Hamas terrorists use motorized paragliders – the same ones they flew to attack Israel. Hamas

Emanuel, who played a key role in the merger of WWE and UFC into TKO last year, is the brother of Rahm Emanuel, who is now Joe Biden's ambassador to Japan after being mayor of Chicago and head of Barack Obama's White House. Staff. Rahm Emanuel's Michigan home was covered in anti-Semitic graffiti in November.

Ari Emanuel is all smiles posing with fashion designer Sarah Staudinger at the 2024 Vanity Fair Oscars party in March. Getty Images for Vanity Fair

In 2006, Ari Emanuel wrote an open letter calling on the film industry to boycott Mel Gibson after the “Lethal Weapon” actor made an anti-Semitic rant during an arrest for drunk driving. But a year later, Emanuel accepted Gibson's apology and supported his return to the industry.

Emanuel removed Gibson from his William Morris Endeavor Entertainment four years later, after Gibson was accused of assaulting an ex-girlfriend. The two have since reportedly mended fences again, thanks to the intervention of Wahlberg, who befriended Gibson after working together.




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