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Cannes 2024: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan to Preity Zinta, here are the Bollywood celebrities who attended the festival

Cannes 2024: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan to Preity Zinta, here are the Bollywood celebrities who attended the festival


The 77th Cannes Film Festival, which kicked off on May 14 and runs through the end of this week, has dominated social media as celebrities showcase their best outfits on the red carpet. Renowned for showcasing leading cinema from around the world, this prestigious festival sees films competing in various categories. Celebrating two decades of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at Cannes, we highlight the notable looks of Indian celebrities this year. From Aishwarya's iconic styles to Preity Zinta's dazzling appearances, these stars truly lit up Cannes 2024.

Here are the Bollywood celebrities who attended Cannes 2024

1. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan looked stunning at Cannes in a black and white Falguni Shane Peacock outfit with 3D gold embellishments. Later, at the screening of Kinds Of Kindness, she walked the red carpet in a vast silver and turquoise fringed dress, also by Falguni Shane Peacock. Its appearance defined aging like fine wine, captivating everyone with its timeless beauty and elegance.

2. Préité Zinta

Preity Zinta made a stunning return to Cannes in a shimmering white dress with bow details on the sleeves. Keeping her look simple but chic, she styled her hair in a neat bun and posed gracefully on the French Riviera. Fans couldn't help but gush over her mesmerizing appearance on the red carpet, celebrating her natural elegance and timeless beauty.

3. Aditi Rao Hydari

Aditi Rao Hydari made a stunning appearance at Cannes, radiating confidence and style in a Gaurav Gupta ensemble. She wore a monochrome dress with voluminous ivory curtains on the side, elegantly styling her hair into a neat bun to complete the look. Her outfit showcased her impeccable fashion sense and exquisite taste, showcasing her sophistication.

4. Sobhita Dhulipala

Sobhita Dhulipala recently attended the Magnum Party at the 77th Cannes Film Festival and left fans mesmerized with her grace. She shared some photos from the event, piqued the curiosity of Internet users. Sobhita looked stunning in a golden gown by Itrh, adorned with crystal embellishments that highlighted her elegance and added a touch of glamor to her look.

5. Jacqueline Fernández

Jacqueline Fernandez made a stunning appearance at the 77th Cannes Film Festival in a shimmering Mikael D Couture dress. She kept her hair loose and accessories minimal, opting for elegant pieces from Hassanzade Jewelery. Her red carpet photos quickly went viral as fans couldn't get enough of her dazzling looks and radiant presence.

6. Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak

At the screening of Manthan, Naseeruddin Shah looked distinguished in a white sherwani adorned with brown buttons. Ratna Pathak Shah complemented it beautifully in her own saree paired with a custom lavender blouse, handwoven from recycled cotton and vegetable dye. Prateik Babbar paid tribute to his late mother by donning a black tuxedo accented with his patterned silk scarf.

7. Shantanu Maheshwari

Shantanu Maheshwari made a stylish debut at the Cannes Film Festival 2024 in a contemporary white Rajasthani outfit with a high neck and open front, intricately designed with chikankari motifs. Her look, complemented by comfortable white pants, beautifully reflected the tales of Rajasthani culture.

8. Taha Shah Badusha

Taha Shah Badussha made her Cannes debut at the 77th edition, captivating fans with her elegant appearance. Wearing a high-collar velvet jacket by designer Kanishka Mehta, he oozed charm in a formal button-down shirt teamed with black velvet pants and sneakers.

Each appearance at Cannes 2024 was enchanting and unique, leaving a lasting impression. The celebrities brought their A-game, captivating with their elegance and style, making every moment of the festival special and mesmerizing.




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